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    Junior Member
    May 2017
    ima fuck u all up

  2. Offline
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by no1sangel View Post
    I think having a staff member on at all times can stop some of the bullshit banter we see. Maybe a schedule of times a staff member can volunteer their time to get the most coverage and if it can be covered more often than not another over seer added that plays the times that need coverage. The new ppl I had come play, friends of mine, didnt stay because of the home cc and I have been keeping mine turned off lately just tired of it sadly. That means i cant help players like I like to. Part of my enjoyment of battlescape is helping new players. I have no idea if its possible but maybe key words could be flagged for mute, an auto thing perhaps. For instance maybe if someone says a racist word they would be automatically muted? This would take some stress of overseers because it would not be personal or done by an individual.

    I would like to have the option to buy more bank space. Also like to buy more slots for ge. Maybe have a poll or something that gives a gift to the nicest or most helpful non staff member of the week or month, even something simple like a name color change or tag. In other words reward the ppl doing what they can to make this server positive and encourage ppl to stay and play positive reinforcement as opposed to neg reinforcement when someone isnt nice.

    Bots for pkers to practice on might be a nice thing to have as well assuming it can be done. Maybe a practice bot area and bots that use different styles.
    You always have the best ideas. Hopefully something like that gets implemented.

  3. Offline
    Sep 2009
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    Quote Originally Posted by no1sangel View Post
    I think having a staff member on at all times can stop some of the bullshit banter we see. Maybe a schedule of times a staff member can volunteer their time to get the most coverage and if it can be covered more often than not another over seer added that plays the times that need coverage. The new ppl I had come play, friends of mine, didnt stay because of the home cc and I have been keeping mine turned off lately just tired of it sadly. That means i cant help players like I like to. Part of my enjoyment of battlescape is helping new players. I have no idea if its possible but maybe key words could be flagged for mute, an auto thing perhaps. For instance maybe if someone says a racist word they would be automatically muted? This would take some stress of overseers because it would not be personal or done by an individual.

    I would like to have the option to buy more bank space. Also like to buy more slots for ge. Maybe have a poll or something that gives a gift to the nicest or most helpful non staff member of the week or month, even something simple like a name color change or tag. In other words reward the ppl doing what they can to make this server positive and encourage ppl to stay and play positive reinforcement as opposed to neg reinforcement when someone isnt nice.

    Bots for pkers to practice on might be a nice thing to have as well assuming it can be done. Maybe a practice bot area and bots that use different styles.
    Volunteer to find some good people to promote to Overseer.

    Pretty hard to not find 8 year olds getting whipped and screaming ingame.

  4. Offline
    Sep 2009
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haarek View Post
    Yeah... No..

    I don't share this password with any other server. My password isn't short. I don't play any other rsps's, especially not with this name nor password; and I don't share my account.

    When the server gets hacked, aka not the players fault then IMO the owner should be responsible. You are the one who promised me the refunds, so don't come here and give me all this bullshit.
    I gave you your items, I told you there's a slight chance Pali will give you boss points back.

    If items are missing, thats because they were either dropped and never picked up, or sold in GE. I'm not gonna dig for items sold in GE, cause that forces me to take items away from another person who didn't hack someone.

    I've never been hacked on here in the last 8 years i've been here. I can guarantee you i've always been a target, yet never been hacked.

    I put a montly password change, but people don't come on forums so they end up not seeing their password expired. Idk if Pali could implement an expired pw ingame to force people to change password. But no one knows common sense to change password every month regardless of this site.

    Most commonly used passwords on BattleScape:

    Last edited by Alex; 07-16-2017 at 03:20 PM.

  5. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    All usefull spells work, aswell as enchanting jewellery.
    doesnt work with me, and all att str def lowering spells dont work either

  6. Offline
    Junior Member
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    I gave you your items, I told you there's a slight chance Pali will give you boss points back.

    If items are missing, thats because they were either dropped and never picked up, or sold in GE. I'm not gonna dig for items sold in GE, cause that forces me to take items away from another person who didn't hack someone.

    I've never been hacked on here in the last 8 years i've been here. I can guarantee you i've always been a target, yet never been hacked.

    I put a montly password change, but people don't come on forums so they end up not seeing their password expired. Idk if Pali could implement an expired pw ingame to force people to change password. But no one knows common sense to change password every month regardless of this site.

    Most commonly used passwords on BattleScape:

    Plz tell me who uses lol123
    Deserves tobget hacked l0l

  7. Offline
    Junior Member
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    I gave you your items, I told you there's a slight chance Pali will give you boss points back.

    If items are missing, thats because they were either dropped and never picked up, or sold in GE. I'm not gonna dig for items sold in GE, cause that forces me to take items away from another person who didn't hack someone.

    I've never been hacked on here in the last 8 years i've been here. I can guarantee you i've always been a target, yet never been hacked.

    I put a montly password change, but people don't come on forums so they end up not seeing their password expired. Idk if Pali could implement an expired pw ingame to force people to change password. But no one knows common sense to change password every month regardless of this site.

    Most commonly used passwords on BattleScape:

    My password would be IMPOSSIBLE to guess as it is a large number of letters and numbers, and I have never used it anywhere before. You didn't say that there would be a SLIGHT chance, no. You said "Either you can have the ancestral top, ancestral bottom and dragon claws he bought for your points, or you can wait for pali to get on to refund the points". so can I have the ancestral and claws instead then? Thank you.

  8. Offline
    Senior Member
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Haarek View Post
    My password would be IMPOSSIBLE to guess as it is a large number of letters and numbers, and I have never used it anywhere before. You didn't say that there would be a SLIGHT chance, no. You said "Either you can have the ancestral top, ancestral bottom and dragon claws he bought for your points, or you can wait for pali to get on to refund the points". so can I have the ancestral and claws instead then? Thank you.
    In the nicest way possible you should stick to gen queries.

  9. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jan 2017
    would like to see raids and would like to see inferno too

  10. Online
    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    -Definitely lower potion prices more... IFFFF pkers do come (unlikely), last thing they want is spending their bank on pots/food rather than upgrades to pking equipment.
    -Mini-games, yes.
    -Maybe some of admin/overseers can start up pking events here and there. I remember on past Battlescapes this being a fun activity in multi to do once in awhile.
    -Increase battlemages drop rate a little more
    -Wilderness slayer dungeon with increased drop rates -> loved this on past Battlescapes
    -Achievement diaries, yes London
    -More requirments for max cape, for example maybe need a certain amount of boss kills, and let's say 100 player kills in wildy, etc etc
    -Rare shop at duel

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