the lack of spells and certain effects of items that real runescape does have.
enchanting jewelry for example.
the lack of spells and certain effects of items that real runescape does have.
enchanting jewelry for example.
Hey there, I am so glad you made the effort to put basic emotes into the game. It gives me a much more immersive experience. I would really like to see all of the skill cape emotes work as well as the max cape emote, that would pretty pogchamp. i would like to see the implimentation of the other slayer bosses such as KQ and Skotizo, so we can obtain the other colored slayer helmets (besides red and black) which im sure youre already working on these things, i wanted you to know that it is HIGHLY ANTICIPATED.if i think of more things as i play ill be sure to let you know Pali. Constructive criticism, as im sure, can be really helpful to make this server a better experience for all of us. Also, don't get too worked up about people rushing you Pali, Id prefer you to take your time and do things right rather then rush content for people who are seemingly impatient.Ill see you guys on BS
Moderators being M N M, Bally, D E A G and myself - maybe you meant Overseers? Because I can vouch on behalf of the moderators that this hardly ever happens.
Myself and D E A G have direct communication to Alex, D34d and Casey so if you need me to get them on you can come and speak to me first.
Last edited by London; 07-16-2017 at 12:16 PM.
Yeah... No..
I don't share this password with any other server. My password isn't short. I don't play any other rsps's, especially not with this name nor password; and I don't share my account.
When the server gets hacked, aka not the players fault then IMO the owner should be responsible. You are the one who promised me the refunds, so don't come here and give me all this bullshit.
Pre eoc.
Some special attacks don't work still. Missing content like inferno ect. Overall a lot of items need to be looked into fixing, adding, or giving their full effects like in osrs
Oh and full spell books...