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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    **-More requirments for max cape, for example maybe need a certain amount of boss kills, and let's say 100 player kills in wildy, etc etc**

    Hell no to ppl killed for a max cape. Just no. Anything but that some ppl are not pkers yet contribute alot to this community. Maybe have a max pk cape with that requirement and adding a 200m make cape would be amazing too.

  2. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by no1sangel View Post
    I think having a staff member on at all times can stop some of the bullshit banter we see. Maybe a schedule of times a staff member can volunteer their time to get the most coverage and if it can be covered more often than not another over seer added that plays the times that need coverage. The new ppl I had come play, friends of mine, didnt stay because of the home cc and I have been keeping mine turned off lately just tired of it sadly. That means i cant help players like I like to. Part of my enjoyment of battlescape is helping new players. I have no idea if its possible but maybe key words could be flagged for mute, an auto thing perhaps. For instance maybe if someone says a racist word they would be automatically muted? This would take some stress of overseers because it would not be personal or done by an individual.

    I would like to have the option to buy more bank space. Also like to buy more slots for ge. Maybe have a poll or something that gives a gift to the nicest or most helpful non staff member of the week or month, even something simple like a name color change or tag. In other words reward the ppl doing what they can to make this server positive and encourage ppl to stay and play positive reinforcement as opposed to neg reinforcement when someone isnt nice.
    You know you are always able to send a staff member a message through the discord if the cc is a mess. If you provide them with enough evidence they might even take serious actions against this player. You should always keep in mind that all staff members play this game for fun, not as their full time job. we know that if you are unlucky with timezones then there might be a chance that no member is in the possibility to come on. I think that we have a pretty active staff team at this moment (behind the scenes, ingame, on their alts, and so on!) A little respect wouldn't hurt.

  3. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by blazed it View Post
    I don't like OSRS, Pre-EOC is the way to go.

    Preach it.


    Wilderness is still not complete, doubt you'll see a resurgence of Pkers/Clans without it.
    God yes, Battlescape V2 was legendary, i freaking loved that!!! Even if it was CRAZY OP, pretty much everyone was able to obtain it which made it then revolve around who could click the fastest / not panic when they're bout to get 100>0'd.

    That and the gear in BS2 was so sick, Who doesn't like OSRS Graphics with Pre-EoC Items?

  4. Offline
    Dec 2016

    THAT WAS THE LAST TIME I EVER EVEN PKED ON ANY SERVER! Ohh..that was so much fun...

    The real enjoyment out of BS2, was the amount of lee-way with experiementation on account builds. Back when your CB Lamps didn't give HP XP
    is when it was the best...that and turmoil.
    How awesome was it making an 83 cb account that was the same cb as the MAJORITY of PK Accs back then? With the stats of 99 str, 95 pray, 40 def with the cost of ~50hp.

    It was honestly, amazing, and an Experience I'm proud to say that I've had.

    Clanning was promiment, along with Pking. You were happy, we the players were happy, and...there was a large diversity of countent, spreading towards it's own players, skillers pvmers, pkers etc. Xtr pots, turmoil, sick gear that was totally cosmetic but looked so badass, even freaking Dungeoneering!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Just the thought of the player being able to think and feel through the game was enough for me...makes me a nerd, But I'm proud to say it.

    Those were your days, And I know that you like to experiment between different servers, you've been doing this for many years now and have pretty much gone through the motions between server and server.

    But, BS2, was the best. That's what I love, your servers are cool in general, but BS2, That 1,000 Player Spike on the saturday right after EoC hit...kinda crashed the server, but made us players feel proud to be apart of that milestone.

  5. Offline
    Nov 2016
    Re-write the entire combat system to focus on having a successful PK Server like you always wanted. I can ensure you that will help you with having a larger player base.

  6. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Add zombie minigame back everyone will come back!

  7. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    You know you are always able to send a staff member a message through the discord if the cc is a mess. If you provide them with enough evidence they might even take serious actions against this player. You should always keep in mind that all staff members play this game for fun, not as their full time job. we know that if you are unlucky with timezones then there might be a chance that no member is in the possibility to come on. I think that we have a pretty active staff team at this moment (behind the scenes, ingame, on their alts, and so on!) A little respect wouldn't hurt.
    This thread was a plea for dialog about what you dont like, and thats simply what I tried to do talk about things i dont like and offer potential solutions.

    As far as respecting staff you are preaching to the choir I certainly respect staff and I even mentioned it was volunteer in my post. I think alot of ppl dont realize that it is indeed all volunteer. I do often go to discord when things are bad but tbh if i did for all the bullshit lately I wouldnt have time to play so easier to just not be in there. Ppl on my fl still come to me to get me to find help because they know I have done it a few times. I am told to ignore the offenders quite often soooo not being in the CC is a easy way to ignore lolol. Yes its wonderful more staff have been online more I love it. Life definitely gets in the way though I get it.

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    Sep 2009
    Zombies Supporter!
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Sasuke View Post

    THAT WAS THE LAST TIME I EVER EVEN PKED ON ANY SERVER! Ohh..that was so much fun...

    The real enjoyment out of BS2, was the amount of lee-way with experiementation on account builds. Back when your CB Lamps didn't give HP XP
    is when it was the best...that and turmoil.
    How awesome was it making an 83 cb account that was the same cb as the MAJORITY of PK Accs back then? With the stats of 99 str, 95 pray, 40 def with the cost of ~50hp.

    It was honestly, amazing, and an Experience I'm proud to say that I've had.

    Clanning was promiment, along with Pking. You were happy, we the players were happy, and...there was a large diversity of countent, spreading towards it's own players, skillers pvmers, pkers etc. Xtr pots, turmoil, sick gear that was totally cosmetic but looked so badass, even freaking Dungeoneering!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Just the thought of the player being able to think and feel through the game was enough for me...makes me a nerd, But I'm proud to say it.

    Those were your days, And I know that you like to experiment between different servers, you've been doing this for many years now and have pretty much gone through the motions between server and server.

    But, BS2, was the best. That's what I love, your servers are cool in general, but BS2, That 1,000 Player Spike on the saturday right after EoC hit...kinda crashed the server, but made us players feel proud to be apart of that milestone.
    He no longer has that source. Only this one and the 742.

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    Junior Member
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by K View Post
    In the nicest way possible you should stick to gen queries.
    As if that would do anything.

  10. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jul 2017
    i dont like the fact that there are no combat sounds in the game, from spells and such

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