Yes his opinion that my opinion shouldn't count was my favorite.
You're following this all wrong as with other's who've said similar to me here. Read back, I stated my position and have been defending it since. Had no one attacked it there would be no reply from me. Pm'd you about the creep, the name calling has nothing to do with his opinion, read his replys to me knowing what I sent you in pm and tell me you wouldn't be inclined to say hold up one second here fruit?
I fully understand it was a gut reaction to being attacked, as is others gut reactions to others things said. Like I said its human nature to respond in kindI was also speaking as far as opinions go only on those pertaining directly to the raid items not the personal attacks. Flaming and name calling pertains to the Kris Lolli thread as well apparently. I tend to laugh it off and feel very sad or sorry for them when someone personally attacks me. Their loss kinda thing.
As far as being enlightened, fruit or creep, should i decide to go down the name calling road, would not be what I would use :/
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