Last edited by I Mahatma; 01-22-2018 at 12:38 PM.
Why are you being so rude about this whole thing Frank?! Also, just because someone worked hard for stuff doesn't mean they're a pixel hugger! You're literally acting like just YOUR opinion is right in this whole situation. There are good solid arguments as to why the items should stay and there are good reasons as to why they should be removed. We get it Frank, you don't want it removed, let people speak their opinion about the situation! These are suggestion threads! :|
There is a huge difference in what someone is 'willing to lose' as opposed to what someone has no choice of losing or to an extent what its replaced with. I dont get the staker mentality in part because I am not a staker, I even say quite often never love a staker because they always lose eventually and leave. As you mentioned in another post pvmers and skillers are the constants in this game, while pkers are more apt to move on. I think stakers are in that realm as well. I hate to see anyone leave but perhaps its just the way different personalities are wired and nothing can change that base temperment I dunno.
Creepy shit ingame, ya I really dont but as long as its adults and with in the stated rules and not against the law, meh live n let live is my life motto.
If raids get added and raid items stay ingame, it'll just be dead content.
Half of you say you will do raids, when you bank stand like me 24/7.
The removal of the items has to be in a way it doesn't affect the economy much.
@kris. A tbow shouldn't affect your bank. Don't you always brag about how you have 30b+ bank? What's 1b to you?
@darklord. Same with you.
Last edited by Oi Lollipop; 01-22-2018 at 02:07 PM.
Creepy as in none of those things. I was replying differently to him yes because I happen to actually know his situation lol I'm not going to be like yes your fictitious point is just as valid as mine good fellow! No one's saying people haven't grinded, everyone can appreciate that.
I don't value keeping those items over the relevancy of raids. We need more players. First and foremost. I see it as for growth or for keeping your banks, hence comments of greed.
(Iron people can keep theirs in my happy little outlook)
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