The non-factor remark was in context of what's applicable to a majority. With item loss, feels over-shadow the greater good. Yes there are multiple opinions, of which your side I see as being based on feels.
***Its all feels. Its all projections. Its also talking to numerous players on a regular basis both ingame and thru discord, skype, phone etc. The greater good you tout isnt proven black and white absolute it again is just what you feel will happen, there is no crystal ball. You said boring, an emotional response, to how you feel about more bossing for instance. Saying that my arguments are simply emotionally/feeling based is only partially correct.***
The in-out numbers we're currently seeing I'd argue is because of the economy that no one is willing to budge on.
I'd say the one reason we are where we are today is Dalton's inability to have both money and interest. (little known fact, that "accidental" reset was unwanted economy control & the server grew after)
This may sound cold but your disability is another reason your personal experience doesn't apply to a majority. I assume this to be deep rooted and me saying this hollow, but you shouldn't feel like you do. You login to play for your entertainment, if people get angry because you're not tick efficient then that's kinda of tough shit. I understand you'd prefer to not have reasons for people to not include you but if this is their reasoning, they're probably ass-holes. People take me bossing and I suck hehe.
*** It was simply a for instance . Everyone has their story, their issues, and those issues will effect their game playing and be part of the reason they will either continue to play or not. I dont mind putting my reasonings out there for judgement, and yes I am just one person, in a vast majority, who doesnt have to play, vote, spend money or whatever but chooses to because I enjoy it. I do the game options that dont hurt me as much physically and skip the game options that are more painful or impossible for me to do

. Even if they dont say a word it easily discerned to even myself how inept I am, especially watching those flawless players. I work hard and longer to get what I have and as far as assholes, meh, not really, just efficient and ocd maybe a better term for alot of players. Most are beyond kind despite my ineptness. I surely can go back to other games that are easier but I love the players here first and foremost and thats not something I want to do but may very well have to

for the betterment if what you say is true.****
This whole argument seems redundant now anyways, I think the solutions mentioned by people here are better than mine.