I'm not a fan of icons for donator ranks, but at the same time given that donating in and of itself doesn't give perks (and would be a bit hard to work some sort of perks in for it while also keeping GM in consideration), an alternative could be cosmetic armour based on donator rank and even the skin colors that match the forum rank color for them. If other servers are any indication of anything, people looking to donate just because they can want to do it to show it off, and right now we don't provide them anything to show off ingame to donate.
make like a donator(gold mem) exclusive area, filled with slayer bosses, except the ones that have their own arena, like cerb and zulrah. The area would have like kbd, kq, kree, general, k'ril, commander, wildy bosses, etc. in my experience that gives more incentive to donate more than anything.
Like the idea of the skin color, I'm sure some people would go for it. There shouldn't be any perks as there is already gold membership.
That would just make the whole idea of the server to be cheap. Some small servers did that back in like 7-10 years ago and it was very cheap way to beg for donations. People wouldn't take this server seriously anymore.
Last edited by Banned 42; 01-18-2018 at 05:09 AM.
Not really, it costs $2.99 for a bond and the bond gives 14 days of membership, if pali were to double the time it'd probably be $5.99 for a bond for 30 days of gm. It's already cheap as it is. Pali also said donations are a little low right now so I'm just trying to give him ideas to give players more incentive to donate to pay for the server.
[QUOTE=Frank;33624]No, I'm trying to make clear that it's not a punishment. You'd be refunded for your effort in some way, a way that you'd all need to agree with, naturally.
And to be clear, this is another Dalton fuck up.. yes.
******Punishment is perhaps the wrong term. Penalized is perhaps better because there is nothing being offered that comes close to being equal to what the time, strategic actions and irl money thru bonds purchased to gain or make it easier to gain thru row and membership some of the items that are being discussed. I dont think there is any way that we, as a group of players, are going to agree on this issue. One group will lose things they already have whether compensated or not while one group loses nothing but gains a projected potential outcome. To strip away and take things earned or purchased for a chance, a maybe potential scenario, to me sounds like the 'fuck up' not what has already occurred. *****
I'm sorry but in this situation your personal experience and beliefs are a non factor. You're not the average player, your personal achievements posted are beyond most. I don't mean that as an insult. Also, you'll enjoy raids for the exact same reasons you love bossing.
***** Actually everyones personal feelings, beliefs and experiences are quite valid factors since they are the reasons the choice was made to play this server and continue to play it, support it with irl donations and vote for it. Your projections of what will happen if items are not removed, your feelings, are what drives you to make those assumptions. Its simple facts that I am 'not the average player' in just about every way possible, including non botted non afk play time no arguments there and certainly no offense taken. It possibly gives me a quite different prospective for my assessments but regardless my personal differences dont make my arguments a 'non factor'.
(I will not 'love raids' for the same reason I cant do some of the bosses. Its not pleasant to have my disability smacking me in the face and I dont want to be carried by players that are able to click precisely and make timely weapon and armor switches. It still stings that I was told told to go stand in a corner out of the way on BS before doing that quest where you had the 2 rooms to kill in less than a min from one another. Because I kept miss clicking on the 3rd attempt they said just follow us and stay out of the way....Its one reason I rarely boss with other people or boss with people that wont get upset at my miss clicks because I dont do things like most players do and have to figure out what works best for me on my own.) *******
People are doing them because they're desperate for content. Content dies without relevancy.. See where I'm going with this?
****People do it for the rewards and as I have heard Dalton say more than once resetting, because essentially if you take away part of things earned from everyone thats a sort of reset, has been a downfall that to this day has been hard to overcome. People dont want resets and the past decisions to reset have been disastrous and part of the reason people are hesitant to play according to himI have had people try to talk me into playing osrs and others servers for the same reasonings. Yes content dies without relevancy. Its the player base that determines relevancy. We are gaining new players every day with whats being offered and Daltons continued and consistent involvement and wizard like coding skills
None of these items are real.. You're a Dalton falling over a laptop away from having nothing. You determine what's suitable! As a poll based majority..
*****Real meh they are pixels not physically tangible but what is real is time investment and money spent. Its Daltons past non involvement, from what other players have told me and what I observed in the BS before this one, that has hurt the Battlescape mantra as well. That can only be corrected with actions and time. I honestly feel that were he to have been around for the BS before like he has been this release that that one would still be flourishing. Yes I am aware that with the press of a button or a laptop disaster that BS could be gone in a flash. It happened with the BS before and that was sad but survivable lol.*****
Something like that could work, could well be the easiest solution tbh.
*****YES the players can keep their non raid gained items and the raid gained items be differentiated in some way. it would add more diversified content and help BS offer something other servers dont have further making us stand out. ****
My suggestion is to either remove raid items and give the correct amount of boss slayer points for them OR just keep the raid items in-game.
IF you are going to remove them and give the correct amount of boss slayer points, i suggest adding some good items to the shop. Without raid items the shop is pretty much useless.
Suggestions to add to boss slayer shop:
3rd age box - contains every 3rd age peice from 3rd age armour peices to weapons. Same rates for each 3rd age piece.(we can decide the price)
Partyhat box - contains every partyhat in-game. Black phat at 50% chance, Rainbow phat at 25% chance. Regular partyhats 4.16% chance (which would mean the set would be 25% total chance)
H'ween mask box - Contains every h'ween. Black h'ween at 70% chance, red blue and green at 10% each.
Santa hat box - Contains every santa hat ingame. Black santa at 80% chance, regular santa at 10%, inverted santa at 10%
Maybe add some random cosmetic peices e.g. Flippers, sythe, sled.
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