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Herblore Supplies:
have herbs and secondaries drop in noted form from bosses in fair amounts, not sold in shops.
Superior Slayer Monsters:
Increase the chance of getting one, I'm almost 99 slayer and had TWO all up, Increase the chance of getting SLAYER monsters assigned in tasks.
Promoting Raids:
Only a small majority of players know how to raid, Give people incentives to take new players in (Like a slightly higher loot drop for a party with low KC)
Noted supplies:
More noted supplies from PvM (namely Zulrah, getting drops like "20 coconuts" is just shit.)
Skilling Incentives:
Daily bonus XP to certain skills, Changes to a random skill each day.
Runecrafting EXP:
Please buff RC experience, The skill is painful enough without having lower rates than other skills.
Slayer Points:
Can we get more uses for regular slayer points? RoW Charging is quite cheap.
Can we get some use for seeds until the farming update? Such as trading in a seed for 10x herb of that type.