- Revitalisation pots dont give prayer points like they should
- OVL cant be made
- Storage doesnt work - only opens interface
- Tekton is unable to be hit when it walks back to anvil - you should be able to hit him until he starts hammering the anvil.
- Pots from boss room drops cant be picked up
- Have to re-log to stop raid when completed
- Raids only supplies such as seeds and secondary's should appear instantly to everyone when dropped by someone.
- Mutadiles should drop full potions, just like Tekton does
- This pool should give a run energy refill

- Shaman aggro range should be a lot bigger
- Shaman poison splats should have a bigger range
- Reward points should be based on points gotten during raid, currently it says every player has same chance when it should be a higher chance on drop when having more points
- Completing a raid should refill all drained stats/hp/pray etc