keep having to use vote tickets to cancel tasks because sire is broken please fix
keep having to use vote tickets to cancel tasks because sire is broken please fix
Knew it would be broken. Can you elaborate on how it is broken? Pali doesn't play 07 so he couldn't just fix it with no feedback.
just cant attack the respiratory systems, so you wont be able to kill sire ty again.
Last edited by Aaron; 02-13-2017 at 01:01 PM.
he needs to be removed from tasks, till pali makes it so that the respiratory systems are kill able/attackable not sure if the other phases will have bugs
Sire is new content, on a private server some bugs may occur when coding new content. Sire will get fixed soon but give Pali some time.
I expect that just remove from boss task until it is fixed thanks!
Sire seems like the only fun boss that only few rsps's have seen so far, would be amazing to have it fixed asap!
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