Hi, I was wondering if you could fix the ring of coins and ring of nature.. Ive gotten them from master clues and it sucks they are useless items. Itd be cool if they can at least have some bonus or something if you cant make the animation work.
Hi, I was wondering if you could fix the ring of coins and ring of nature.. Ive gotten them from master clues and it sucks they are useless items. Itd be cool if they can at least have some bonus or something if you cant make the animation work.
Please post requests like this in the Feedback and suggestions area. Pali uses that when he makes updatesI agree as well for what its worth.
i remember when this suggestion got declined because people would lure others
The animation wouldn’t be too hard to add/find.
Pretty sure Pali could implement a way that they cannot be used in the wildy to avoid any lures but then again it’ll actually be quite cool to chill at revs as a bunch of rocks and just rush people.
Would actually like to see this get fixed tbh
Pali in the past has been known to find animations gfx and object IDs through a custom batch file that logs all anims gfx and object IDs on RS as he sees/uses them so that part is not an issue also I think it would be awesome in the wild plus the risk vs reward is crazy I've done like 200 clues and haven't seen either ring so I'm sure the price would be insane if they worked
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