Dragon Bone Necklace -
When worn, it will restore prayer points as bones are buried (even if buried via the bonecrusher). However, this prayer restoring effect takes nine seconds to take effect after equipping the necklace; this is to prevent players equipping another necklace and only swapping to the dragonbone necklace each time they kill a monster just for the prayer restoration effect. A small sound effect can be heard when the nine seconds have passed. This effect does not stack with the Catacombs of Kourend prayer restoration effect.
Bones restore 1 prayer point.
Big bones restore 2 prayer points.
Baby dragon bones restore 3 prayer points.
Dragon, wyvern, and dagannoth bones restore 4 prayer points.
Superior dragon bones restore 5 prayer point
Dinh's Bulwark Special Attack -
Dinh's bulwark has a special attack, Shield Bash, which hits up to 10 enemies in a 11x11 area around the player with 20% increased accuracy, consuming 50% of the player's special attack energy.
BoneCrusher Necklace -
The bonecrusher necklace is a necklace that can be created by combining the bonecrusher and dragonbone necklace with a hydra tail (which can be reversed). It requires level 80 in Prayer to equip and shares the same +12 prayer bonus as the dragonbone necklace.
The necklace possesses the effects of both the bonecrusher and the dragonbone necklace, being able to automatically crush bones while restoring prayer, saving an inventory slot. As such, the necklace must be charged with ecto-tokens (25 charges per token) and must be equipped for 9 seconds to gain the prayer restoration effect. A small sound effect can be heard when the nine seconds have passed. This effect does not stack with the Catacombs of Kourend prayer restoration effect.
Pet's -
Corp pet Change Ability coreinto pup / reverse
KQ Change ability
Ikkle Hydra Change Ability
Chinchompa pet - Allow players to change the colour off the chinchompa pet
Seers Village -
Add An teleport wizard to the bank, so players whom are camping bosses, who prefer the quicker reju pool use Would be more helpfull.
Change the Drop rate on skilling pets , As many players have reached 200m xp and even beyond Without a pet.
Bounty hunter teleport spell -
Adjust the cost towards the higher end off 500k BM ( Debaitable / Opinions )
Add the Ardy agility course, as It's better for players whom wish to train agility further beyond than just 99 ( Course Requirement 90 )
Ardy Cloak 4 -
Unlimited teleports to Ardougne farm patch
Varrock plate 4 -
10% chance of mining 2 of any ore including Amethyst,Experience is gained for both ores mined.
10% chance of smelting 2 of any bar at once when using the Edgeville furnace.
~ Tree Beard