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Suggested this a few times already, but here's a long version of an event that people sometimes do on 07.
PvM scavenger hunt.
People get into teams of 3, 4, 5 or whatever.
There is a set list of items that the team has to acquire from pvm drops. First time to get all the items, wins.
Considering that people might team up and have a gear advantage over other teams, there are two options. Either force balance teams or just balance out the pvm content everyone has to do, by adding some lower tier bossing, so while the richer members of the team can work on higher tier stuff, the ironman or just the less wealthy guy can work on stuff like dagganoth kings or something.
An example
Team 1 - Amorphis, London, Mate
Team 2 - Kupz, Deag, Bud
List of items a team has to get to win the race:
1. Any corporeal beast sigil
2. Any wilderness boss ring
3. Any cerberus crystal
4. Kalphite queen head
5. A non-scroll drop from raids
6. Magic, tanzanite or serp helm drop from zulrah.
First team to get all these drops and verifying it by screens or admin logs is the winner of the event.
Don't ask about rewards, no idea.