Originally Posted by
Clan Wars Tourn
( If possible to do )
- After so many wins, lets say for example 100 you get a unique cosmetic reward? like an untradable rare. Or even any rare as rares aren't worth buying for gp with the duel shops selling them at 16b.
- Additional sum of money every 10 wins?
- When there's not enough people in the lobby and it gets skipped, make it so the next one is like an hour after instead of waiting an additional 4 hours?
- Add a Regular pure pking load out with overheads disabled ( As main has DH reg set up ) and a lot of people will avoid briding.
- Entangle needs to be fixed it's so weak it's as useful as bind at the moment.
- When in combat with BH targets and a monster is attacking you, it blocks you as it registers your in combat with a monster so you can only attack between attacks from monsters. That would be a nice fix to not be interrupted.
- Add PVP armours as a Rev only drop but make them rarer than the current weapons, which will give more incentive to do revs as wildy bosses have the upper hand on PvP items right now.
- Make it so once you've attacked a revenant you get skulled if the suggestion above is in place.
- Make emblems more profitable they're worth next to nothing they are not even worth taking up an inventory slot up for.
- Show how many people are in the wilderness like it once was before.
- Code Magic Skill cape for spell book swap.
- Add an extra %5 drop rate boost on the Well whilst increasing the cost to 4m p/h and keep all the current drop rates. ( apart from my next suggestion below )
- BUFF Raids! I can speak for everybody that raids drop rates are definitely off, i feel Osrs has better rates than here. Also Solo without vanguards as an option cause it's not worth doing raids in it's current state.
- JAD/ZUK I have spent over 70m trying to get this task and done so many tasks to try and get it ( yes i have it unlocked ) it seems really rare to get if it's even possible? Maybe slim the chances.
- Take Shayzien out of the boss slayer shop as it's pretty much useless and add looting bags, Hell Lair teles, purple sweets or something along those lines.
- Re add Item Staking, preventing staking items baffles me... you're just legit taking a part of the game which a minority of players enjoy to do away from them whilst potentially losing money cause people aren't buying bonds to stake and with there being not much Gold in the econemy it's literally impossible for them to obtain gp to even stake so they'll just go and play another game to occupy themselves. Not to mention if you're allowed to stake items people aren't going to need to trust trade/stake so that's another less problem.
- Add Casino for money sink also have it so you have a chance to double a specific item you want to gamble whilst the odds always being in the casino's favor it should help keep a good economy.
- Change vote tickets for Bond from 100 to 65. This will increase the value of vote tickets in grand exchange also giving more people incentive to vote and sell on their tickets to people edging close to the 65 ticket mark.
Gonna put this as a thread also so it can be edited if anything else is thought of.