Lets get some stuff clear as it is pretty confusing when players/mods say different things.

Player 1 says: RoW works for drop rates when its just in your inventory.
Player 2 says: RoW drop rate only takes effect when you have it equipped for either before or during killing blow, bcuz Pali said so.
Player 3 says: RoW drop rate mechanic is bugged.

My thoughts:
"inventory activation" seems to be taking effect into drop table changes as in visually reduction of drop rates. But it seems pretty odd if RoW just wasnt working as intended and it does bug drop rates. Even though a 5% drop rate boost isn't as noticeable I do feel there is something sketchy going on with RoW as players have proven in previous World 1 server.

@Palidino ; We would like you take a look into RoW codes to check if there aren't any bugs which have occured lately. Also would be like a confirmation of wether RoW drop rate boost works by keeping it in your inventory OR having to wear it before/during killing blow of an npc.