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  1. Offline
    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    How should they work?

    Can only own 1 (lost on death or saved?)
    Can own multiple, each with their own ability to save runes
    Can own multiple, but their inventories are linked together (in other words you couldn't rotate pouches in your inventory to get different runes)

    Also, what should happen to your pouch if you were to lose it on death? On OSRS you would lose the pouch entirely, but should you keep the pouch itself here?

    We also need to decide how to obtain it and for how much.
    Last edited by Palidino; 12-29-2016 at 11:11 PM.

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    Depending on what happens to them on death (for BS), only having one might not be the ideal solution.

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    Sep 2009
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Depending on what happens to them on death (for BS), only having one might not be the ideal solution.
    Well if anything, just have the PKer loot the runes that were in the Pouch, and the Pouch will just be broken and have people fix them like other Untradables.

    Having Multiple Rune Pouches might actually be an Issue when it comes to Modern Spell Book Magic, have 6 kinds of Runes and 2 Inven Slots.

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    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    Rune pouches are not lost on death. You can obtain more than one, holds at a maximum of 16k runes.

  6. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Having multiple rune pouches would be awesome, and if some way implement the ability to 'name' each rune pouch? That would be pretty cool and useful.
    But when loss on death, you could do the same thing as you did with dragon defenders / torsos / untradables, have them become broken and require 500k-1m or more to repair?
    Along with the loss on death thing, have the rune pouch become broken, and lose all of its contents (runes).

    that would be pretty cool/useful imo
    Edit: Oh, and can only have one 'filled' rune pouch in inventory?
    When it comes to selling it I'd think that they'd have to be completely empty or broken. Or have some sort of symbol to diagnose that it's being used (untradable)...?

  7. Offline
    Nov 2016
    we just need 1 lol people want them for minis and preps

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    Junior Member
    Nov 2016
    wtf dude, ofcourse 1 only, if u died it breaks or some shit but u dont loose it.... you only loose runes.

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by GUN EM DOWN View Post
    wtf dude, ofcourse 1 only, if u died it breaks or some shit but u dont loose it.... you only loose runes.
    I believe in OSRS you lose the pouch entirely on death which is why I'm asking.

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    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    I believe in OSRS you lose the pouch entirely on death which is why I'm asking.
    i think thats the best option too, its too valuable to have an item which saves invent space like that. Maybe add it to the blood money shop for something around 40-60k blood money

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