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12. Ragging
Excessive ragging is against the rules, if your sole aim is to ruin the game for other players then we will make sure that you're unable too.
If you feel you are being ragged, please report players using videos or gifs that show your full client with your inventory and username showing, it also needs to show that you have asked the other person to get off. (a full length gyazo gif is acceptable if it clearly shows you being ragged.) please also include the name of the player you are reporting if it is not clearly shown in the video or gif.
Multiple instances or reports will be required before the following actions are taken;
Players will receive a warning before an initial ban of 3 days, if ragging continues the ban will be 7 days and then permanent.
12.a. If you want to rag back, that's fine nobody will be punished if the report shows both people ragging.
12.b. Tribridding is not ragging, we will only accept it as so if there are many instances where you yourself are not in tribrid or rag gear and have made that clear to the other person.
12.c. We will not consider ragging outside of edgeville and wests, if you're in deep wildy you get what you get.
12.d. 'dding' or standing/running around on top of fights to obstruct visibility is considered ragging until a patch is released.
Staff members have the absolute right to decide what and what they do not consider to be excessive ragging.
Falsifying evidence is against the rules.