Last edited by a99; 01-15-2019 at 12:05 AM.
Oh boi gratz on 99wc!!!
and to answer your ''how should i make money'' question thieving is not that great you make around 3-4m from 99thieving which isnt much at all
but do not fear i got some great news for you hunter is your heaven for money on an account like this
at 83 hunter you can catch dragon implings and dragon darts/tips can be sold to other players for around 2-2.5k each and other dragon ammo can be sold for aroudn 1k each aswell
and 89 hunter opens up lucky implings which drop clue scroll everytime (easy-master) and there are few items worth something(notably ranger boots and 3rd age items)
competing with other players at puro puro can be tiresome as hell but for money its definetly worth it
so id recommend making 99fletching your next 99 so you can fletch all dragon arrows javelins and dragon darts so theyre easier to sell when theyre complete products
so thats my recommendation hope its any help for you and good luck with the series
Thank you for the kind words, I really enjoy making these videos! More to come!!
Thanks man, I really appreciate it!
*buying raid leech*
Just kidding, but yeah I knew this series would start out slow but more content is soon to come.
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