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Bloodmoney Shop suggestions.
1. Bonecrusher (i) (1500 charges) - 200k bloodmoney.
2. Wilderness Box -150k bloodmoney.
- 10 Super combats.
- 20 Sanfew potions.
- 25 Saradomin Brews.
- 25 Super Restores.
- 1000 barrage casts/500 vengeance runes.
- 250 Dark crabs.
- 100 Anglerfish.
- 1/25 chance to recieve 50 morrigan javelins/throwing axes.
- 1/50 to recieve a zuriel's staff/vesta's spear.
- 1/75 chance to recieve a statius's warhammer/vesta's longsword.
3. Battlemage Slayer Task scroll - 75k bloodmoney.
4. Wrath Runes - 100 bloodmoney ea. (remove from normal shops).
5. Dragonstone bolts (unfinished) (250) - 50k bloodmoney.
Also since there's no point pking at the moment, since nothing is really rewarding I would suggest
giving monsters in wilderness a little more of a drop boost.
1. Global wilderness monster supply drops.
- 5 sanfews.
- 20 saradomin brews.
- 20 super restores.
- 10 ranging potions.
- 200k cash chance.
- 1/175 chance to recieve wilderness box.
- Bag of gems/herb bag chance 1/150.
2. Give battlemage's a guaranteed bloodmoney drop so it becomes a active place to actually go to to make
some money.