1. Offline
    Jun 2018
    Bloodmoney Shop suggestions.

    1. Bonecrusher (i) (1500 charges) - 200k bloodmoney.
    2. Wilderness Box -150k bloodmoney.
    - 10 Super combats.
    - 20 Sanfew potions.
    - 25 Saradomin Brews.
    - 25 Super Restores.
    - 1000 barrage casts/500 vengeance runes.
    - 250 Dark crabs.
    - 100 Anglerfish.
    - 1/25 chance to recieve 50 morrigan javelins/throwing axes.
    - 1/50 to recieve a zuriel's staff/vesta's spear.
    - 1/75 chance to recieve a statius's warhammer/vesta's longsword.
    3. Battlemage Slayer Task scroll - 75k bloodmoney.
    4. Wrath Runes - 100 bloodmoney ea. (remove from normal shops).
    5. Dragonstone bolts (unfinished) (250) - 50k bloodmoney.

    Also since there's no point pking at the moment, since nothing is really rewarding I would suggest
    giving monsters in wilderness a little more of a drop boost.

    1. Global wilderness monster supply drops.

    - 5 sanfews.
    - 20 saradomin brews.
    - 20 super restores.
    - 10 ranging potions.
    - 200k cash chance.
    - 1/175 chance to recieve wilderness box.
    - Bag of gems/herb bag chance 1/150.

    2. Give battlemage's a guaranteed bloodmoney drop so it becomes a active place to actually go to to make
    some money.

  2. Offline
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Dolk View Post
    Bloodmoney Shop suggestions.

    1. Bonecrusher (i) (1500 charges) - 200k bloodmoney.
    2. Wilderness Box -150k bloodmoney.
    - 10 Super combats.
    - 20 Sanfew potions.
    - 25 Saradomin Brews.
    - 25 Super Restores.
    - 1000 barrage casts/500 vengeance runes.
    - 250 Dark crabs.
    - 100 Anglerfish.
    - 1/25 chance to recieve 50 morrigan javelins/throwing axes.
    - 1/50 to recieve a zuriel's staff/vesta's spear.
    - 1/75 chance to recieve a statius's warhammer/vesta's longsword.
    3. Battlemage Slayer Task scroll - 75k bloodmoney.
    4. Wrath Runes - 100 bloodmoney ea. (remove from normal shops).
    5. Dragonstone bolts (unfinished) (250) - 50k bloodmoney.

    Also since there's no point pking at the moment, since nothing is really rewarding I would suggest
    giving monsters in wilderness a little more of a drop boost.

    1. Global wilderness monster supply drops.

    - 5 sanfews.
    - 20 saradomin brews.
    - 20 super restores.
    - 10 ranging potions.
    - 200k cash chance.
    - 1/175 chance to recieve wilderness box.
    - Bag of gems/herb bag chance 1/150.

    2. Give battlemage's a guaranteed bloodmoney drop so it becomes a active place to actually go to to make
    some money.
    Agreed. Pking will never be active again though. It's far too ruined for that.
    Gear selection sucks balls. It takes too long to get the very basic shit for a rsps. Pk supplies with this economy are $$$$ and with the way pking has fallen to the shit side, why bother? Everyone uses overhead prayers, tribrid combat, and they basically stay max hp as much as possible. Traditional hybriding is gone for some reason, so each fight is just a big waste of money and supplies. Barrows drop rate sucks dick and it takes too long to get defenders, torsos, ect so melee pking isn't common anymore either.
    Last edited by Zeus 6969; 12-19-2018 at 01:19 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Farming has made its way into BattleScape! Grab your seeds, and start growing crops!

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