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    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    Just a heads up the reason battlescape can't peak past 100 players is because Everytime battlescape peaks palidino dissapears for 4 months and after a month or so of no updates people start leaving and than he comes back realizing this and starts a whole new server...I don't think people realize how many battlescapes there has been. First it was battlescape 417 or whatever the original that was complete shit and than there was battlescape isles which in my opinion was the best server it was a 525 revision and after I think it was a 562 server that flopped hard he announced battlescape pk which received no advertising what's so ever but what we saw on rune-server was every skill including summoning (no construction) and all bosses from RS at the time and than on top of it there was a zombie survival game in place of PC which was fucking amazing the best game mode I've ever played. In the 10 mins of launch battlescape pk had 600 players and within a day there was 5 major pure clans from RuneScape playing the server and s few main clans. But like before palidino left and the server slowly died and he started over and than never finished the next project and than started this one and shit it down after a few weeks and than made a rs3 server without EOC and it felt wonky af and than he came out with this server again and I tried it again and at any given time there was 5 players so everyone quit and I came and checked on it a year or two ago and still 20 players. The server is in a good spot but honestly RS private servers are dying all of the clans are on osrs now and all of the pvm clans are on rs3 I remember when runelocus server list had 200-2000 players on each server all the way to the 15th spot now battlescape has almost the most but doesn't go past 80

  2. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2019
    Is your rant over ? The server is fun, It's good overall it passes time.
    Palidino is a busy man, He has a House to keep going, He has a Daughter to feed,dress And look after.
    Updates will come when they are due to come.

  3. Offline
    Sep 2009
    Zombies Supporter!
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by bspktube View Post
    Just a heads up the reason battlescape can't peak past 100 players is because Everytime battlescape peaks palidino dissapears for 4 months and after a month or so of no updates people start leaving and than he comes back realizing this and starts a whole new server...I don't think people realize how many battlescapes there has been. First it was battlescape 417 or whatever the original that was complete shit and than there was battlescape isles which in my opinion was the best server it was a 525 revision and after I think it was a 562 server that flopped hard he announced battlescape pk which received no advertising what's so ever but what we saw on rune-server was every skill including summoning (no construction) and all bosses from RS at the time and than on top of it there was a zombie survival game in place of PC which was fucking amazing the best game mode I've ever played. In the 10 mins of launch battlescape pk had 600 players and within a day there was 5 major pure clans from RuneScape playing the server and s few main clans. But like before palidino left and the server slowly died and he started over and than never finished the next project and than started this one and shit it down after a few weeks and than made a rs3 server without EOC and it felt wonky af and than he came out with this server again and I tried it again and at any given time there was 5 players so everyone quit and I came and checked on it a year or two ago and still 20 players. The server is in a good spot but honestly RS private servers are dying all of the clans are on osrs now and all of the pvm clans are on rs3 I remember when runelocus server list had 200-2000 players on each server all the way to the 15th spot now battlescape has almost the most but doesn't go past 80
    The game has 80% Solo play material. If lots of players is what gets you playing then you only play to compete. Shut up already.

  4. Offline
    Mar 2019
    bring back scapewars

  5. Offline
    Junior Member
    Apr 2018
    Bring back zombie mode, best mini game i've ever seen

  6. Offline
    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    If u play to right click monsters until u get a rare drop just to show it off to the other 5 players on that all have the same shit than u really need a job my guy.....that sounds so boring

  7. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jul 2018
    aint nobody wanna play a server where staff give locations of players in wildy out too others. no thanks bois.

  8. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by clarkie View Post
    aint nobody wanna play a server where staff give locations of players in wildy out too others. no thanks bois.

  9. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Miika View Post
    Its true, I sell info to my other acc so I can kill people!


  10. Offline
    Oct 2016

    Few things about what you said

    Pali doesn't dissapear for months like he used to. Like it was said above, he has a daughter which he has to take care of. If he goes away, it's usually for a week. Also, as you said, private servers in general are nothing like they used to be in terms of popularity. Some are more successful just because they have the resources for it, which we don't.
    Obviously there are a few things that would be really nice if added, like the original zombie minigame, but let's be real, it's not gonna give us the numbers some of you tend to dream of. Pk'ing is dead not only on private servers, but also on OSRS and you need to be delusional to think otherwise.

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