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    Junior Member
    Nov 2018
    I suggest to make Eco between normal and hard mode together.
    There is no real benefits with hard mode atm,though game is Same. Atm seems that hard mode is usless to play(almoust Like a group Ironman.) Hard mode takes more time,time takes more bonds,bonds make money to server. There should be real benefits for hard modes and normal mode should want to make hard mode after little playing.

    Sorry for my english, i tried.

    Gl to all

  2. Offline
    Senior Moderator
    Oct 2016
    The modes are connected. Only some items are restricted for normal mode to transfer over to hardmode, such as food, potions, and lower tier gear such as black d'hide, or a rune crossbow. Everything else can be traded between the modes.

    Hard mode also currently receives a 20% better drop rate over normal mode, so it has to be at a bit hard for it to be worth it to give that drop rate boost.

  3. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Please do your research before you post something like this.

  4. Offline
    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    I think there should at least be an icon for hardmode users to be able to differentiate them from normal mode users.

  5. Offline
    Junior Member
    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Wya Tob View Post
    The modes are connected. Only some items are restricted for normal mode to transfer over to hardmode, such as food, potions, and lower tier gear such as black d'hide, or a rune crossbow. Everything else can be traded between the modes.

    Hard mode also currently receives a 20% better drop rate over normal mode, so it has to be at a bit hard for it to be worth it to give that drop rate boost.
    Yes, i understand that. But when normal buys membs and hard buys membs, why hard get 12.5% drop rate increase and normal 25%(?) I read it at forums. Is it still 20% then?
    Last edited by XSSS; 12-08-2018 at 08:43 AM.

  6. Offline
    Senior Moderator
    Oct 2016
    Where was this? That might need to be updated if it says that somewhere on forums. Currently hardmode and normal get the same drop rate bonus when becoming gold member. Just being hardmode gives you a 20% increased drop rate that stacks with other boosts. You can check live drop rate boosts, and gold membership info in-game by going to the quest tab, clicking View Guide, then Bonds and Gold membership or Maximizing boosts.

  7. Offline
    Junior Member
    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Wya Tob View Post
    Where was this? That might need to be updated if it says that somewhere on forums. Currently hardmode and normal get the same drop rate bonus when becoming gold member. Just being hardmode gives you a 20% increased drop rate that stacks with other boosts. You can check live drop rate boosts, and gold membership info in-game by going to the quest tab, clicking View Guide, then Bonds and Gold membership or Maximizing boosts.
    Guide is here:
    Also , row does not bank items
    Last edited by XSSS; 12-09-2018 at 03:48 AM.

  8. Offline
    Junior Member
    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphis View Post
    Please do your research before you post something like this.
    I did it.

  9. Offline
    Senior Moderator
    Oct 2016
    Oh I see, sorry about that, the info on that thread is out-dated and needs to be updated. For the current correct info of drop rates and ring of wealth you can check in-game how I explained earlier. Thanks though for bringing that old thread to my attention, as I will update the info on it.

  10. Offline
    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    That guide refers to World 1.

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