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I feel like your choice to remove wildy barrows for ironmen/hard mode accounts is a bad move. If you want wilderness activity to rise, then removing this is beyond stupid. Wildy barrows is thge only thing that brings pker into the wilderness. Ironmen doing wildy barrows brings pker, which brings more pkers etc etc. If anything, make more things wildy based.
Skilling for hard mode accounts with 12.5x exp instead of 10x exp. (To get this boost, make people buy an amulet, or token, worth for example 300k cash, which always drops on death if killed, and is also undroppable. this makes it so you have to bring a risk, which gives a reason for pkers to kill you.) Also, make cave near wildy barrows accessible. Add npc's and make them drop ecumentical keys or whatever like on 07.
Add revenant cave, or a custom cave with slayer monsters. Give the slayer monsters a slight drop rate boost, and make them drop a small amount of blood money. Could also increase half key and clue scroll rates instead of rare rates (whips, d bows etc) if you dont want to raise those rates. Again, this brings more pkers to the game. Any wilderness activity = More pkers = More players.
Increase drop rate of clue scrolls and half keys for all wilderness bosses. Increase blood money dropped by wildy monsters too. There is currently no reason to kill wilderness bosses. Also, if you decide to add wilderness skilling with a token or amulet you need to risk, add that to the drop table of the wilderness bosses.
Make ironmen/hard mode accounts able to get loot drop chaos elemental. Chaos elemental is currently dead content because the drops is too bad for normal accounts to bother going there. For ironmen/hard mode accounts you'd have to risk your black dhide, rune crossbow, bolts, supplies etc, which is not easy to get hold of. Big risk, Medium reward. Will bring wilderness activity.
You said you'd remove raids items from boss slayer shop, what will you add back there? I'd like to see a change to the voiting system for ironmen specifically, but also hardmode accounts, as they can only get 10 vote tickets every 12 hours. Having cancelling boss slayer tasks require 4 voting tickets aswell, voting tickets are very exclusive on ironmen. Seeing as blood money is dead content after you got all the untradeables, make an option to change blood money into voting tickets, or better yet, add voting shop items to the untradeable shop, like upgrading void and imbuing rings. Could also be added to boss slayer shop. Without raid items, boss slayer shop will practically be empty. Maybe add a drop-rate boost, coin drop boost, exp boost in there? Could also be something along the lines of 1 hour of fishing double fish (not double exp) wcing double logs, mining double ores etc.
Make hard mode an entirely seperate eco. Dont let normal mode accounts trade over bonds to hard mode accounts, This benefits both the server and you as people would have to buy bonds directly form the website to get hold of them. It also spares the economy from people transfering 10s of bonds to their hard mode account. This makes the mode easy, not hard.