1. Given that Hard Mode players can trade with others, I really don't understand why they have a 20% drop rate increase while having the same xp rate as ironmen who can't trade. Imo either both modes should have it or neither, but probably neither.
2. Ring of wealth should have a toggle option so you can use it to draw aggro without wasting charges.
3. Avas can be bought from Pest Control for 5k points, or from the Legends guild for 10k coins, seems like an oversight.
4. Increase drop rate of Key Master Teleports from Cerberus. Maybe I've been unlucky but I've had less than 10 total scrolls in 280kc.
5. An alternate RuneLite client for W2 hiscores would be really nice as the lookup feature currently pulls from W1.
6. Giant Mole should drop noted claws/skins even if it requires some sort of prerequisite, also turning them in for nests should give you noted forms as well. You also can't use the ring nests atm as they can't be searched.
7. For post 99 fishing and cooking, a nice QoL change for ironmen could be to give a ~20% chance to double or triple your next catch, so 2-3 sharks at once while still only granting one xp drop, maybe permanently double? Cooking could also work the same way.
8. Some kind of NMZ variant with a reward shop containing general supplies such as food/herbs/seeds/alchables would be really nice as an alternative to slayer for ironmen post 99.
9. Not sure about the other clue scroll rings, but the Ring of Nature doesn't work. http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Ring_of_nature
10. Farmed herbs should be noted (gold members?) or allow us to note them by using them on the leprechaun (fee?), currently need to do two trips per patch to collect. Being able to pick 2-4 at a time would also be a nice change considering we get 20+ herbs per patch.
11. Seeds need to be increased. Double osrs rate while having 25x or more exp doesn't really make sense. Here's an image of useful seeds I got from 88-90, assuming I wasn't wildly unlucky I should only expect to recieve 9x what's in my inventory for getting 99 (126 total useful seeds). The rate it was originally at was much closer to how it should be, or at least have the drop rate come close to matching the xp rate, they're just seeds..