Originally Posted by
Pretty much agree with everything, besides the herb shop, because i like the concept of slayer+herblore training thing.
As it goes for the boss shop / BM shop perk type of rewards, I really loved some of the things that Jessie suggested before:
Nvm, wrong post.
Here is the list
Untradeable Protector Scroll (100k BM) Lets you keep all untradeables when dying past 20 wilderness
Inferno Scroll (500k BM) Lets you permanently skip to wave 67 of the Inferno
Automatic Smelter Scroll (500k BM) Automatically smelts all ore when mined (gives smithing exp as well)
Automatic Cooker (500k bm) All caught fish are now caught cooked (gives cooking exp as well)
Automatic Log Burner (500k bm) All logs chopped are automatically burnt (gives firemaking exp)
Run Energy Scroll (1m BM) Gives you unlimited run energy
Prayer Drain Scroll (750k BM) Prayer would drain twice as slow
Lesser Immunity Scroll (250k BM) You now only have a 10% chance to be inflicted by poison
Strong Immunity Scroll (1m BM) You now only have a 10% chance to be inflicted by venom
Ring of Charos (5k BM) Gives 20% More Blood Money per kill, lost on death
Ring of Charos (a) (100k BM) Gives 25% More Blood Money per kill, kept on death
Brawler Gloves (100k BM) Gives 1.5x exp everywhere in the game, 2.5x exp inside the wilderness. Degrades after 2.5m exp is gained.
Cosmetic Teleport Overrides (75k BM Each) These would change your teleport animation, can be toggled in the quest tab.
Cosmetic Skin Color Changes (200k BM Each)
Hell Kitten (100k BM)
Hell Cat (250k BM)
Wily Hell Cat (500k BM)
Rejuv Pool Upgrade (400k BM) Spec pool will now restore special attack even if you just exited combat
Loudout Slots (100k BM each) Buy an extra loadout slot (max of 20 extra, reduce current loadouts to maximum of 4)
Emblem Upgrade (400k BM) 25% higher chance of receiving a higher tier emblem from kills
Quest Tab Teleport Scroll (500k BM) You would be able to open the Wizards teleport menu from the quest tab (not in combat)
Quest Tab Slayer Contact Scroll (200k BM) Would let you contact Nieve from the Quest Tab
Slayer Cape Upgrade (300k bm) increases the chance to 30% u get the same task when wearing slay cape
Ring Of Coins (1m bm) Remove all current ring of coins from the game & remove from clue scroll rewards
Ring of Nature (750k bm) Remove all current ring of natures from the game & remove from clue scroll rewards
Ring of Stone (500k bm) Remove all current ring of stones from the game & remove from crafting
Clue Scroll Upgrade (1m bm) 50% more chance of getting a 3rd age item from a clue scroll
Special Attack Regen Upgrade (200k BM) Special attack restores 5% Quicker
Stamina Scroll (200k BM) Boosted stats would drain 30% slower
PVM Damage Increase (2.5m BM) 10% More damage in PVM
Slayer Point Boost (150k bm) 25% More slayer points
Boss Slayer Point Boost (200k BM) 25% more boss slayer points