1. Offline
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Clock View Post
    Did nothing but make it easier than it already was for pkers, as if target tele wasnt op enough now they can tag you off monsters? lmao, even rs pj system allows monsters to tag pkers off players
    not targets

  2. Offline
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by No1sangel View Post
    No infinity boots for my hard now RIP Thanks for the bug fixes though and thank you for listening to players we shall see how it goes. Will it make more players stay out of wildy making fewer ppl to attack we shall see.
    i thought u didnt enter wildy so what the diffrence

  3. Offline
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Soft View Post
    i'm dissapointed in you removing the ability of players having a safe route escape on attacking a monster in wildy to get the pvper off, osrs has the same mechanic what you just have done is making wilderness a non''pvm'' able place since everyone now will have 0 chance to escape while attacking a monster. revert this option because it'll cause more problems then this.
    Other then that, lovely updates.
    targets can always aggro on rs tf u mean

  4. Offline
    Junior Member
    Feb 2018
    [*]Increased the time before you can restore your special attack energy.

    should only be applied if you came out of wildy

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Dipsy View Post
    [*]Increased the time before you can restore your special attack energy.

    should only be applied if you came out of wildy
    I can look into doing something like that similar to how to loadouts used to have a timer on them after leaving the wilderness

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by 1lil1lil1 View Post
    i thought u didnt enter wildy so what the diffrence
    Only on my hard to get infinity with help a call away. Scary absolutely and if i had been attacked i would simply log and walk away for an hour I cant watch it or be there while being killed. It took alot of talking myself into it because its so unsettling to me but now I can just buy them and my hc will never have them and thats ok too. Just takes pvming a little longer is all and I dont mind that I did have lovely conversations with other players the hours i was there. It was nice but not nice enough to go back now. I know how yall are lol.
    and its wild i get that go knowing the risks or dont two choices.

  7. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    amazing updates ty

  8. Offline
    Junior Member
    Sep 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    I can look into doing something like that similar to how to loadouts used to have a timer on them after leaving the wilderness
    You need to do a hell of a lot more than that lmao, you literally did nothing but give pkers the upper hand in what was a fairely even playing field beforehand, warning messages to skip, ability not to get pjed off targets by monsters, literally done everything you can to make sure the whiney toxic pk community that you have get what they want instead of leaving it a level playing field, warning message so they have higher opportunity to sit in lvl 1 spam clicking tele to targ before you can skip. Yes it's the wildy, but the thought process behind the entire update was something else lmfao.

  9. Offline
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    It's targets only, not all players
    Yeah but u can't cancel target while in combat also it's every 15second ? u can get a new target which sounds a bit dumb
    also ironmans,hardcore,hardmode should have like the option to pay for disable the target system like 2.5M for 1H immunity of targets ?

  10. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Clock View Post
    You need to do a hell of a lot more than that lmao, you literally did nothing but give pkers the upper hand in what was a fairely even playing field beforehand, warning messages to skip, ability not to get pjed off targets by monsters, literally done everything you can to make sure the whiney toxic pk community that you have get what they want instead of leaving it a level playing field, warning message so they have higher opportunity to sit in lvl 1 spam clicking tele to targ before you can skip. Yes it's the wildy, but the thought process behind the entire update was something else lmfao.
    Well pvmers did have the upper hand once, now it's our turn.

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