1. Things that grind my gears  - 09-26-2018 #1

    Junior Member
    Sep 2018
    This is a constructive feedback post that is made up entirely of my own opinion, feel free to disagree or add to the list as I will continually update as I come across things I believe should be changed. The argument that we don't have the playerbase for this is invalid as is the reason we do not have the playerbase is because of these issues. The argument that we cannot have the playerbase because of oldschool is also invalid as other top servers are grossing 800+ players with ridiculous content. This is predominately an ironman server so the majority of these fixes and suggestions are aimed towards the notion of being an ironman however effectively benefit all tiers of accounts.
    Keep in mind that I have played battlescape off and on since 2012 and have developed my own servers as well as been free lanced to develop projects for other popular servers and was once a predominate figure in atleast two RSPS communities as a developer having released a fair share of content still used to this day although having been retired for some years now as I have vastly moved on from java and working with RSPS as a whole. Not only this but I have played RS since 2006 and have a large knowledge of the game its self as well in my opinion as condescending as this paragraph sounds makes my opinion on these matters relevant in some aspect.

    Keep in mind this is based on the idea that the entire server's economy is reset as a whole for all tier accounts or for regular tier accounts and ironman are no longer capable of trading anyone or items dropped appearing for anyone regardless how long of a time after the reset

    * Coin drops frequency and amount need to be toned down, as well should be dropped in even increments. The amount of coins you get from an NPC should be scaled based on two factors - The combat level of the NPC and the slayer level required to kill the NPC if applicable. This will allow for rune item drops, and other alchables becoming once again beneficial to loot instead of leave on the floor as currently it is a waste of space or time to loot and alch for the small reward it offers. In turn this brings back a realism aspect to the game by bringing alchemy runes on your slayer task and looting drops instead of getting coin drops which makes slayer and PVM significantly more boring as a result. This is both satisfying for the player to receive drops through pvm which is not bossing and an important part of a good economy.

    * Skilling supplies need to be scaled and dropped by the correct NPC's which one would normally kill for such supplies. If I'm killing spectres I should receive significantly more herb drops then I do against a rock crab or otherwise NPC that would not normally drop these supplies in such frequency or volume. If I'm killing abby demons I should get gem drops, etc. Currently there is no NPC that drops supplies for skilling in such frequency or volume that can be compared to the amount of herbs dropped by almost every NPC which extremely unbalances skills. This combined with the above issue causes the driving force of skilling to be done by buying supplies from shops taking away from the aspect of ironman gameplay effectively ruining the immersion and achievement and half the fun of the game mode.

    * Revenant's requires it's entire drop table modified so as to create incentive for player's to actually go there to collect supplies and not just wilderness weapons and ancient effigys/statue's/artifiacts/etc. Currently it is pointless to PK there with a 1/800 chance at receiving a unique drop and does not offer much reward vs risk or likewise backwards.

    * Raids should be the driving force of skilling supplies coming into the game so long as loot is fairly balanced with points and not a guarantee for pure participation alone and as end game content should include farming, herblore, cooking, and the respected skills required for an efficient raids run similar to RS as to create incentive for players to train the respected skills required higher then what is required for quests and solely for a max cape or 99.

    * NPC's such as spectres and etc. that are stat draining, or requiring an item like mirror shield need to have their correct effect in place and added so as to create a realism to slayer and a reason for the slayer items shop. Gargoyles should require a rock hammer to kill making the slayer reward useful same to be said about all other rewards and NPCs.

    * Npc shops need to be scaled down so as the variety of items offered for all tier accounts are significantly less effectively creating a market for items such as the dragon 2h, barrelchest anchor, dragon darts, dragon halberd, etc as well as buffing slayer as a money maker. Npc shops for ironman also need to be scaled down to the most minimal aspects currently as you are able to almost immediately begin mid-end game level ironman content even with the small inventory of items provided such as armour effectively taking away from the normally required skills to obtain such items. The most fun part of an ironman a large majority of RS players will agree is the starting out grind. This takes away from the longevity of the players account and adventure to higher tier content.

    * Pest control is currently too easy and takes no longer then an hour afking to collecting every void set, torso, and assault head gear. I could probably collect every un-tradable within a few hours if done efficiently and most of all the minigame is extremely bland and not unique. It is my opinion it should be replaced as Alex has suggested with the 2012 style zombies wave minigame which I recall playing years ago and actually having quite fun doing even after collecting my untradables, as well it took much more focus and time into account.

    * Imbued rings need to be added to the minigame shop inventory for a significantly difficult amount of points as well as other requirements and scaled in the U. points shop to match it's counterpart.

    * U. Points at the Perdu shop are currently way too easy to obtain and rewards are pointless. Cloaks need to be removed from the shop and rewarded through a task system which requires players to train their skills and complete various tasks around battlescape creating more content to achieve for ironman. Following this cloaks need to be buffed and offer incentive to get them in the first place for example tiered teleports, skilling xp rates modified when worn, etc. This is to be said about shields as well. As well other task reward items such as wilderness swords and varrock armour, etc need to be added with buffs to them as well.

    * Perdu currently does not require enough coins to fix items that can be broken if he does at all taking away from a huge opportunity for a gold sink which is extremely needed due to the current coin drop system in place.

    * Zamorak wizard is at the moment entirely useless and needs to be replaced with runecrafting teleports and a shop for essence pouches. He should be able to decant specific runes into combined runes such as wrath runes, mud runes, etc - depending on runecraft level and perhaps a fee.

    * The zamorak monk at the chaos alter in level 40 wilderness that unotes bones needs to require more amount of coins for unoting bones so as to create more of an incentive for pkers to go there as well providing an effective gold sink and to even out with the significantly better experience rates offered by the altar.

    * Thieving stalls need to modified and added for ironman as a means of collecting resources for some skills such as crafting currently as there is almost no other means of training the skill or collecting supplies other then d'hides or buying out gems from the shop. This needs to be done correctly and carefully as to not be overpowered and should be as minimal as possible.

    * Clue scroll unique items such as gilded, masks, ornament kits, etc and rare uniques in general need to be extremely scaled down and actually be rare and all unique items as a whole need to be toned down as well currently as they are complete junk and clutter up the ground and bankspace.

    * Crystal keys need to be more rewarding and dropped less often but only slightly. The current ratio of junk-high tier supplies gained through them is unbalanced and just dumb, it needs a balanced medium of skilling supplies i.e bow string, bones, gems, logs, fish, ores, bars, and etc.

    * Glory's need to lose their charge when used so as to have a reason for dragonstones other then to be turned into bolt tips.

    * Farming entirely as a skill needs to be added to the game.

    * Edgeville as the default home should be replaced with the old neitzot home as to create a more unique feeling to the game rather then the standard and bland vastly copied and used edgeville bank.

    * Skillcape perks need to be added i.e Magic cape should provide 3-5 daily swaps, hunter cape should provide a teleport to black chins and 1 extra trap to be put down, etc.

    * Oziach's cost for combining visage's and otherwise high tier content needs to be increased so as to scale with the economy in place adding incentive for players to forge such items themselves by collecting resources and training required skills. This is another key example of how to create an effective gold sink and driven economy that many people overlook by adding reason for resources to be bought and sold, collected, etc on the market.

    * Loot crates from firemaking should be buffed slightly I'm unsure of the current percentile chance on receiving one and the full drop table they provide however based on all things else I will assume it's not a driving force by any means to add incentive for players to train the skill at all, my suggestion would be to add a rare drop table to these crates of a chance at receiving an infernal axe or pickaxe which would provide significant xp boost in the respected skill pertaining to which one you use and would be high-tier skilling content yielding much higher bonus's then that of a dragon axe or pickaxe.

    * Instanced bosses should be widely available to generally most bosses for a fee as to provide an effective gold sink and to stop over crowding/players crashing a trip as this is a one world server and not explicitly to those with a ring of wealth.

    * Unique bosses such as ones from quests need to be added as to create more variety for players with unique drop tables such as the barrelchest anchor providing a market for it and reason to remove it from the NPC shops and quest shops and other likewise items, as well as a fair common loot drop table to these bosses like all others.

    * Ornate rejuvenation pool should have the option to be upgraded per player with a fee as to restore special attack under the 1 minute period providing a gold sink and catering to pkers, and those doing high level-pvm. Same goes for the regular altar players should have an option to upgrade this to a gilded altar providing a significant experience boost that is worth the amount of gold needed to upgrade but is still less then that of the wilderness altar.
    Last edited by Newport; 09-26-2018 at 06:30 PM.

  2. Offline
    Aug 2018
    no reset still grinds my gears

  3. Offline
    Super Donator
    Dec 2016
    agree with some of these points others not so much. not going to go into very much detail but there are some great ideas here.

  4. Offline
    Jun 2018
    Agree to all of this. If a reset isn't done and properly done meaning taking all of the advice from many different posts this server will continue to go down the drain.

  5. Offline
    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    hard to disagree with this tbh l

  6. Offline
    Junior Member
    Sep 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by by the sword View Post
    hard not to disagree with this tbh l
    Can you state your reasons why please

  7. Offline
    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    typo, there fixed it

  8. Offline
    Junior Member
    Feb 2018
    can someone give me a tl;dr?

  9. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by bill pierce View Post
    can someone give me a tl;dr?
    reset needed

  10. Offline
    Junior Member
    Sep 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphis View Post
    reset needed
    essentially yes.

    There is much more that can be added to this list off the top of people's heads, many things that can be tweaked or changed to be great.
    Palidino does not need a list I know very well after the years of seeing his content he knows what to do and what he's doing this is only a reminder to him, honestly.

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