1. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2017
    Palidino has talked about doing major advertisement for the server, however I think a lot needs to be looked at/considered before it's done. The main game is fundamentally bad & needs work done to it.


    Too many coins already exist in the game from the past from when coins were extremely easy to obtain. It negatively effects newer players because item prices are really high due to all the coins that older players have. The rate of which coins are obtained should be increased to decrease the gap between how it is now & how it once was.

    As for items the boss items (that are used for pking) are too rare. BM shop is also really overpriced and not fast paced. PVMers also don't need to trade their drops for coins because the bosses that they do kill drop both Coins & rare items, which means they're never actually forced to sell those rare items for coins.


    • Increase the amount of coins dropped in PVM by 250% (so it would be 7-10.5m coins per hour in max gear)
    • On a regular slayer task players should also receive 50% more coins.
    • All Bosses should no longer have coin drops on their drop tables
    • Every Barrows run should give 100k coins


    • Emblem exchange rate should be increased to x6 osrs (it is currently x4)
    • Every kill in PVP should guarantee a mysterious emblem
    • Lower amount needed to be risked for an emblem to 40k
    • Lower the time between killing the same person for emblems to 5 minutes
    • Players in PVP risking under 40k (not including supplies) shouldn't be allowed to attack other players (however they can be attacked).

    Uses For Coins/Coin Sinks

    • Change the weekly lottery to a daily lottery. 50% of money used for buy ins should also get put into the pot
    • Lower the entry cost for lottery to 2.5m
    • Every 7 days there would be a better lottery that gives away 100% of entry money & a rare (phat/mask)

    • ROW Should charge with coins (20m for type 1, 35m for type 2) (main mode only)
    • Skip Boss task should cost 5m coins (main mode only)

    • Instead of disappearing, PVP items should break on death and cost 25m to repair. NPC's would also drop the PVP items in a broken state.
    • Barrows items should break on death. Helm 190k Repair, Top 350k Repair, Legs 280k Repair, Weapon 210k Repair

    • Wishing well should not accept items anymore
    • Increase well activation cost to 30m Coins
    • Lower the base boosts for well down to 5%
    • Anybody that donates 5m+ to the well for boosts should get an extra 5% drop rate/exp boost whenever the well is activated (lasts 12 hours)
    • Anybody that donates 15m+ to the well for boosts should get an extra 10% drop rate/exp boost whenever the well is activated (lasts 12 hours)
    • Anybody that donates 30m+ to the well for boosts should get an extra 15% drop rate/exp boost whenever the well is activated (lasts 12 hours)

    • Put the blackjack dealer back into the game.


    All items (except barrows) need to be a lot more common. It'd also be better if some of the PVP based slayer items were removed from the regular shops (gmaul/dboots) but made a lot lot lot more common from PVM.

    • Make All Rare item drop rates 50% more common
    • Remove the KC Requirement for Godwars (main mode only)
    • Double the raids drop rate

    • Change the Base OSRS drop rate for Armadyl Crossbow/SOTD to 1/128 instead of 1/508
    • Change the Base OSRS drop rate for Gmaul to 1/80 instead of 1/256
    • Change the Base OSRS drop rate for Dboots to 1/50 instead of 1/128
    • Change the Base OSRS drop rate for Kraken Tentacle from Regular Krakens down to 1/128 instead of 1/1200
    • The Abby Demons in catacombs should drop whips 4x rarer than other abby demons. Reason being is that people can just barrage 9 of them at once for extremely fast whips.

    • Your system that lets up to 3 people get loot should be changed so that only the person who deals the most damage gets a role at a rare item.

    • Barrows is way too common & needs to be slightly rarer. Change to 35% Chance of getting 1 item, 5% chance of getting 2 items, 1% chance of getting 3 items
    • Barrows shouldn't give 10k of each rune, lower it to 100-200.
    • Raids shouldn't give 10k of each rune/arrows/gem, lower it to 100-200


    Remove selective item picking from the BM shop so as to not fuck with the PVMers item eco. No point doing abby demons for example if Pkers can just supply themselves with whips. I know a lot of current items are randomised, but it's still too selective. You can choose which boss you want a random drop from, so obviously people are going to favour some bosses over another.

    • Remove Whip/Kraken tent from BM shop
    • Remove Barrows Sets from BM shop
    • Remove Random Onyx/Zenyte jewlry from BM shop
    • Add "Random Low tier item" box, 20k bm (Contains all barrows items, Whip, Kraken Tent, Trident, D boots, G maul, Onyx jewellery, Occult Necklace, d bow)

    • Remove Mage Arena item from BM shop
    • Remove Random Ring from BM shop
    • Add "Random Med tier item" box, 50k bm (Contains all Mage Arena items, All Dag king rings, All wilderness rings, All Zenyte Jewellery)

    • Remove Random GWD item from BM shop
    • Remove Random Cerb item from BM shop
    • Remove Random Vorkath item from BM shop
    • Remove Random Zulrah item from BM shop
    • Add "Random High tier item" box, 150k BM (Contains all GWD items, all Cerb crystals, All Vorkath rares, All Zulrah rares)

    • Remove Random Corp Beast item from BM shop
    • Remove Random raids rare from the BM shop
    • Add "Random Super Rare item" box, 450k BM (Contains all Raids items, all Corp Beast items)

    • Lower Random 3rd age item to 200k BM
    • Add random PVP item box, 3050k BM

    Also would like to see a key system for PVP where you occasionaly get keys that gives you a random item. These wouldn't bring in items near as fast as the Random BM boxes, however it would just be a nice addition to make pking feel a little more rewarding.

    • Every kill you have a 25% chance at getting a bronze key. Bronze key would roll through the Random Low Tier box table
    • Every kill you have a 5% chance at getting a silver key. Silver key would roll through the Random Med Tier box + Ranger/Wizard boots + Elder Chaos robes
    • Every kill you have a 1% chance at getting a gold key. Gold key would roll through the Random High Tier box + Give you 1 Master clue scroll item on top of that
    • Every kill you have a 0.25% chance at getting a diamond key. Diamond key would roll through the Random Super Rare item box + Give you 3 Master clue scroll item on top of that


    Some items shouldn't even be in the shops. Even the pk servers don't have items like D boots/Gmauls/Spirit Shields in regular "free" shops.

    • Remove Dragon Boots/Gmaul/Spirit Shields from shops (and replace the ones in current banks with current shop prices in coins)
    • Add Anglerfish to the shop for 1400 each
    • Black Chins should sell back to the general store for 7.5k each (this makes them about 6-7.5m profit p/hour)
    • Put Dragon Dragonstone Bolts(e) into the range shop for 5k each
    • Put Diamond Dragonstone bolts(e) into the range shop for 3.5k each
    • Increase the price of every single item in all regular shops by 40%.
    • Increase Super attack/str/def & range/magic pots to 2k each (delete existing pots from the game)


    New shop type for selling/buying certain items to help newer players

    Purpose of this shop would be to help newer players buy/sell certain rare items. Having a shop that has an instant payout is more encouraging for people looking to sell items than waiting around for somebody to buy their items off of the GE. To an extent this would sort of replace trading for these common items (it still leaves margins for people to profit off of actual trading), but the idea is that when people get these shop items they'll just sell them straight to the shop.

    • The shop would by default contain All barrows items, All Slayer items & All onyx items, however all of these items would have 0 in stock.
    • Players can sell their barrows/slayer items to the shop and the stock in the shop would increase (stock would only decrease when people buy the items)
    • List of item prices: https://pastebin.com/DfruhbVH

    • If this shop is added then I don't think that Abby Demons should drop coins, otherwise they would be too profitable (about 20-25m an hour).



    Tournaments system needs to be greatly improved upon (mainly just pre fight things)

    • All participants should automatically be put on the correct spellbook for the type of tournament(they shouldn't be able to change spellbook)
    • All participants should be given the same gear by default with little option for change (only changeable gear should be spec attack weapons)
    • All participants should be given the same supplies by default
    • Instead of putting players gear in shops, give them a temporary bank that already contains all the gear they'll need
    • Your opponent should have an arrow above their head#

    • Change the tournament waiting room to something else that isn't burthrope (burthrope game room is dull and boring)
    • Instead of using seperate tourny rooms for each individual fight just put everybody in the clanwars map Plateau (you'd spawn in within 5 tiles of your oponent)

    • After each round of the tourny each players should have their leftover supplies deleted & have a new batch of supplies put into their banks

    • Add a 5 second countdown before you can start fighting your opponent (it should auto type above your characters head the countdown "5", "4", "3", "2", "1", "Fight!")
    • When all players have finished fighting there should be 40 seconds before next round starts
    • If players are in a fight for longer than 5 minutes they should start getting hit by fog for 1 damage per 2 ticks (ramping up to 5 damage)

    PVP Changes

    • Teleing from the wilderness shouldn't prevent you getting your spec back
    • Special attack pool should only restore your special attack every 100 seconds
    • Entering/Leaving clanwars shouldn't restore you special attack
    • Dying outside the wilderness shouldn't restore your special attack

    • Loadouts should work anywhere outside of the wilderness & not just inside of edgeville bank
    • The only time loadouts should go on a cooldown is if you were recently attacked above 20 Wilderness in a multi area (within the last 60 seconds). Otherwise you should be allowed to use loadouts whenever.

    Setlevel/Training Things

    • On Login you should be asked for the main mode if you want to train or just be able to setlevels (if setlevel is chosen they'd no longer have to level to 99 before setting levels).
    • Players using setlevel choice get a 50% drop rate reduction in PVM. This choice can be changed at Vannaka at any point (resets their cbats to level 3 and gives them back reg rates).
    • Once you've trained a skill to 99 legit you should be allowed to setlevel without any punishment to your drop rates (this should apply to every game mode).

    • Loadouts should save your set levels (assuming you've trained to 99 in that skill or are on setlevel choice)
    • Setlevel should work anywhere outside of the wilderness
    • Gaining Magic levels with SetLevel shouldn't give you HP levels
    • Increase the amount of HP exp setlevel gives (should be 1/3 of all other combat exp excluding magic and prayer), and remove the ability to setlevel your HP.

    In game Icons

    • Add Donator ranks in game icon
    • Add Youtuber ranks in game icon

    Loadout Revamp

    • Move loadouts to a seperate quest tab icon. This way your loadouts can all be listed inside of the quest tab
    • Left Clicking a loadout inside the quest tab would give you the option to Equip/Edit/Delete the loadout

      - Edit loadout would open up the current loadout interface but instead would list all the item slots and what items you currently have equipped for each slot.
      - Clicking on a slot would give you the option to change/delete.
      - If you choose change the GE interface for item searching would pop up & let you select the item to change that slot too.
      - If a slot is empty then it would just say "Head Slot - Empty" and you could left click it & pick from the GE interface, the same way as you'd pick when changing items.
      - Equipment editting should also have a button that Deletes all saved equipped items (this wouldn't wipe your equipped items though).

      - Inventory editting should be on a different version of the same interface, accessible by a button underneath all of the equipment buttons.
      - Clicking the edit inventory button would open up the exact same interface except this time it would print all your item slots & what items are saved in them. Changing/Deleting would work in the same way.
      - Inventory editting should also have a button that Deletes all saved inventory items (this wouldn't wipe your equipped items though).

    • Loadouts should save runes in your rune pouch

    • Loadouts should put items in the exact inventory spot they were when you created. Currently if your loadout has 10 food in it but you only had 8 food in your bank, it would move up all your other items 2 slots.

    Other Things

    • Home teleport should work in combat (outside of the wilderness)
    • Need to add a drop warning for items over a certain value.
    • On OSRS Jagex have a thing in DMM where you have a Cross through your skills. Add that for whenever somebody has a combat exp rate disable; https://i.imgur.com/W2K7AjJ.png
    • Your prayer drain is wrong. Prayer on battlescape drains a lot slower than it does on runescape.
    • Rune pouch doesnt let you put in combo & wrath runes when it should
    Last edited by blazed you; 09-17-2018 at 04:54 PM.

  2. Offline
    Super Donator
    Dec 2016
    In game Icons

    Add Donator ranks in game icon
    Add Youtuber ranks in game icon


    Other Things

    Home teleport should work in combat (outside of the wilderness)
    Need to add a drop warning for items over a certain value.
    On OSRS Jagex have a thing in DMM where you have a Cross through your skills. Add that for whenever somebody has a combat exp rate disable; https://i.imgur.com/W2K7AjJ.png


    PVP Changes

    Teleing from the wilderness shouldn't prevent you getting your spec back
    Special attack pool should only restore your special attack every 100 seconds
    Entering/Leaving clanwars shouldn't restore you special attack
    Dying outside the wilderness shouldn't restore your special attack

    Loadouts should work anywhere outside of the wilderness & not just inside of edgeville bank
    The only time loadouts should go on a cooldown is if you were recently attacked above 30 Wilderness within the last 60 seconds. Otherwise you should be allowed to use loadouts whenever.


    other then that i agree with the coin fixes but i feel like item prices will just go more up in price with an increase of coins in the game. just my opinion though
    Last edited by Marty; 09-17-2018 at 12:20 PM.

  3. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jul 2017
    I just have to say...I think donator ranks/youtube ranks would clutter the homechat/public chat when people talk and I don't agree with them being added.

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