Awkward moment where i ask you to 1v1 at edge like 10times and you reply 'No edge is ragging go magebank/35s so my team can tb you as your solo pking'
I never shake pking,I can literately smoke a fag while fighting you because all you do is rag range. your just lucky i've only started recording or i would of shown everyone how much of a whale you actually are. 3x red barred and if gmaul didn't hit 0 you would of died for max 2times minimum. So stop will your bullshit n a rsps and grow up. Also stop telling your members to edit pictures when they plank but o wait? You say you don't care for this server YET YOU HAVE TO TELL YOUR MEMBERS TO MAKE IT LOOK A LIKE A DC no more replys from me retard unless you want to 1v1 @ edge when none of your crowd are online to fan boy you like ragging slaves they are. you've refused 3 fights from me and my team will be proof to that.