PK Mode:
- This mode can trade the main game mode but only under strict conditions. Can only give coins to the main game mode however the mode can receive any item from the main game meode (this should be disabled for the first 2 weeks to maintain integrity)
- The pk mode can sell items back to the shop for BM but only get 60% of the buy price
- The PK mode can swap coins to BM (400 coins = 1 blood money ratio)
The purpose of these is for 1 to make it so regular mode can still interact with the PK mode and sell them their items
whilst also function as an item sink for the main game (because anything on PK mode is confined to pk mode). Coins to BM
also lets the PK mode players use their coins from emblems to buy themselves more items
- If you die/kill to somebody on this mode you lose items like regularly and they get them
- If you die/kill sombody not on this mode, neither of you lose items but you still both can get bm/emblems (both players would get more BM in this situation than you normally would)
- All Untradeable items should be lost on death (to keep game interesting so you always have a use for your BM)
- Barb Assault items 7.5k Blood Money each
- Void 30k Blood Money in total
- Ring Imbues 10k Blood Money + Ring
- Pure Untradeables (Halo/Rangers thing) 10k Blood Money each
- Fire cape 15k Blood Money
- Infernal Cape 80k Blood Money
- Mithril/Addy/Rune/Dragon/Barrows Gloves free (no quest required)
- Avas Free (no quest required)
- God Books free (no quest required)