jar turn in for zulrah would be at this high pirestess npc?
im not sure how it would work for other bosses, maybe it would be easier to use perdu for this or something..
What about the idea that you can turn in the jar for a random roll of the bosses rare drop like i said above.. However if you qualify at a certain killcount you get to choose the item you turn the jar into.
A quick and dirty killcount requirement to turn in a jar for the item of your choosing would be the jars drop rate when fully boosted by drop rate. So fully boosted 1/1176 chance for jar, 1176 killcount required to turn in a jar for an item. Up for discretion if normal accounts have this rate halved or if all accounts have this rate halved.
This encourages people to play the game and not just turn in jars and get easy items. This functionality is for people who get unusually unlucky getting drops and with the killcount restriction shouldnt get abused. If you go especially dry and get a jar troll drop you should be able to turn it in for an item.
I think its important for all jars to work like this for uniformity's sake on the server and not just Zulrah, though it is probably where it would be used most often to be honest.
let me know what you guys think, all feedback welcomed. If any admins take a look at this page and could provide feedback that would be great.![]()
Last edited by Miika; 08-26-2018 at 03:16 PM.
"What about the idea that you can turn in the jar for a random roll of the bosses rare drop like i said above.. However if you qualify at a certain killcount you get to choose the item you turn the jar into."
I like this idea, seeing as how rare they are, i'm sure not many have too many jars shoved in their bank. from my own experience, sitting @ 1600+ kc for zulrah, i've only received 1 jar of swamp, so exchanging that for a roll of an item i'd potentially need would be cool (excluding pets)
Idk if it would be possible but make a use for them like recoloring blowpipe along with Softs idea for recoloring the pets.
a red bp would be cool but i think more appropriate if you used a mutagen for that. Perhaps add mutagens to the list of things you can trade a jar in for. I know some people who have camped zulrah for just the mutagen.
Maybe cut the kc in half to trade in for guarenteed mutagen exchange and not have it part of the rare drop rng roll since it can be a troll drop at times.
however annoying they are, they were introduced into the game as a troll drop.
Ideas sound cool tho
I don't think trading jars for items would be to effective being the dr for it is so high. jars are completely useless being there is no constuction
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