Can we also move corp back to being accessible via wildy exclusively?
Can we also move corp back to being accessible via wildy exclusively?
Just put the cave entrance somewhere in wild like 2-3 levels away from a Tele and make it non Wildy inside the cave, it's stupid having the KBD being riskier to do than corp (even though it currently isn't either lol)
Yea singles would work, but then preferably slightly above lvl 30, similar to the rev caves and canoe distance maybe
Great post overall, the wildy definitely needs an overhaul to attract non pvp-focused people in, and make it more worthwhile. If new people (or just those on a budget) could take the free gear they get from pk supply sets and roll the dice to try to get some bigger loots, I can see this being very successful. I agree rev's needed a nerf, but with them crippled as far as loot, there's not a whole lot of places that attract people into the wildy like they used to.
I think being able to get blood money from ANY slayer task done in the wildy would be a great help, not just if you choose to be assigned to one. The problem now is you have to select one or the other, so a lot of people are going to stay on the safe side and choose non-wildy slayer. If you had the choice to do certain tasks in wildy or not, I think you'd see a lot more people doing wildy slayer for select tasks, which brings more activity.
Speaking of wildy activity, I've noticed a very common thread in questions asked in home cc from new players... "Is there much pking on this server?" "Where's everyone at?" "Are there pk clans?"
This is a HUGE issue to new people, and the wildy MUST be reformed in a way to entice people to enter it, and not just pkers. The health of the server depends on it.
Great job on everything you've done Paladino, I'm rather new here and loving it. With some minor modifications (and the resulting increased playerbase) it could be better than osrs imo.
I love this idea too, but it needs to be single combat. Agility shortcuts would be awesome, and would give people a reason to train the skill. Make the wildy course give extra xp for taking the risk.
The only thing I can see him doing is injecting HD into the RuneLite Client like how OSRSHD Client did, but refused to share code with Jagex.
I agree with Custom Dungeons for Wildy, we need to get out of "OSRS Content Only" kind of server and have some sort of custom content.
Even adding some sort of NPCs that drop some Boss items at a 1 in 32,756 drop rate would be something. Lol
Last edited by Alex; 07-18-2018 at 03:17 PM.
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