Damn this server has changed since I was gone... (Hai Jessie<3)
Some of these may have been mentioned in recent times, I didn't read any other threads & I assume Terror is focused on economy related suggestions like usual.
First off, if we could fix a couple things;
-Wilderness Agility course doesn't work.
-Hobgoblins in level 30 Wilderness mining field are not aggressive. Also seems like there's not very many there?
-Ancient teleports do not work. Yes, you can buy tabs, but it wouldn't be difficult to fix the teleports themselves.
-Mage Arena Combat. Currently, you can use any type of combat inside the arena to fight players, where as it should be magic only.
That's all I've noticed on the fixes fro what little traveling I've done on the new lay out.
On to the suggestions!
Let's face it Dalton, this version is boring & unattractive. Not be rude or blunt, but it seems stale. Where did all the fun stuff go? I understand the idea behind an easier version of OSRS being attractive in theory, but it really can't compete. It honestly doesn't take long at all to train on OSRS, so the majority of folks do not intend to invest in a copy when RSPS have a reputation of resets, down time, the list goes on. You know this.
I know before OSRS was released the server had a strong clanning & pking community, albeit that will never be as strong again with OSRS, but it was still way more active. What happened to the game content we had before? Let's bring some of it back.
Selectable graphics-What happened with this? 525 & 603s are where it's at.
Item & Boss Content-Not only was the pking more fun with more items to play with, but the bosses inside the wilderness made a big difference. Things we had before that made the game overall more enjoyable.
-Korasi? Fun item, boss in the wilderness.
-More Revenant content like before. Let's bring back Vesta, Statius, Morgs. armour. Make the weapons easier to get, it's super rare you see anyone with a Vesta long now, ect.
-PVP World option. Honestly, I've spent good amounts of time there & have yet to see a single person show up, which is to be expected. It's not good to separate the small pk community anyways, let's make it more useful. Change it to a high risk area only. No overhead prayers, no protect item prayer in the PVP world areas. It'll still be useful for risk fights, but it wont big used often enough to split the pk community up into chunks.
-Teleporting Damage. I don't know what the hell RS was thinking when this got changed, & why anyone would copy it is had to follow. People abuse it greatly, & in pvp worlds it's abused like crazy. Teleporting after a hit on very low hp knowing you wont take damage, pathetic. Teleporting in Edgeville PVP (PVP World) right back to Edgeville when someone specs you to avoid damage but basically continue fighting, what the hell?Teleporting has become silly. It also completely ruined deep wilderness pking where levers come into play. You can get 2, sometimes 3 hits in when someone is levering. Now, none of it counts. Countless kills lost, as well as some of the skill taken out of getting away from your opponent.
Custom Dungeons. (Like old BS had when pking was so active.)
The wilderness has always been risk vs reward, PVP & PVM alike. Old BS had a dungeon for this, completely custom. Let's bring that back. Two locations fit the bill. The stairs near Mage Arena where the dungeon was before could be very good again. You could also start a new one from scratch (If this is possible?) near the wilderness agility course in the Ice Platue. Example being, lvl 55 wilderness near the water's edge. Multiple escape routes to be used, different routes to teleport near the area. Can use the agility course for escape, run toward the KBD entrance/Ghorrock obelisk, Mage Bank, the list goes on.
This dungeon could house high level bosses, preferably something that would require team work so pkers would be more hesitant to test the patience of our fine pvm community knowing they're in multi against multiple players. A mix of different content could be useful. For example, let's add revs in there as well, but with higher drop rates for our new Vesta, Statius, Morgians armor. This area would be single combat. This will help avoid being pked, aid in escape, & help push the pkers deeper into the dungeon.
Further down the dungeon, let's add a boss that would drop the Korasi. Make it multi combat like it was before. Possibly add Infernal Cape drop to this boss?
Now that we have a big scary dungeon with players all around, we need to even the playing field with escape options. No one wants to get pked without a chance, right? Well it just so happens, our new Wilderness Agility Course is working after this update, oh & it just happens to be the best experience available. It only makes sense our new spooky dungeon has high level agility escape routes. Let's add 3 agility crossing points. 55, 75, 85 required, higher level gets you further into the dungeon.
For example,
I dare say we add Chaotics to the vote shop & wilderness bosses, but they would have to be nerfed down in damage a bit. That's something for another time.
Game Play & Combat Suggestions-
-Let's add the Barrows back into the Edgeville shops, but raise the price from the old 8m to some where around 15m, which is the same cost to imbued a daggonath ring.
-DDS needs an accuracy buff. It's all but useless. This is something that needs adjusted with every version of BS.
-Clan Chat doesn't seem to be working? I haven't been able to join my own CC in a few weeks?
-PVP distance. Players can melee one another from distance, like far distances.
-Teleporting levers from distance. You can pull a lever from 3 squares away with run on.
There's a lot more we can discuss with combat, but I don't want to get carried away unless some kind of support happens.