1. Rework Quest Tab/Home/Server Layout  - 07-07-2018 #1

    Senior Member
    Oct 2017
    Everything is really condensed on this server, you try to fit as much as you possibly can into as little space possible. Quest Tab is just a wall of text & the teleport NPC is like manouvering through a maze. We really need some attention to detail for all of these small things because as it stands you are incredibly far behind other RSPS.

    Also think that the quests in the game are really lazy the way they've been done. It's not a problem that quests are just boss fights, but at least add a little bit of dialogue & some quest guides so it feels like a game and not just quest boss simulator

    Quest Tab

    Change the layout so it's more user friendly and easier on the eye. Would be a lot better for everybody.

    • Wishing Well should have a text overlay in game rather than only being in the quest tab
    • Monster Drop Rates/Monster Kill Log/Rare Loot Log all become seperate buttons. Monster Kill log would include Boss/Slayer monsters.


    Everything is bunched up, you need to spread things out. You can compare this server to something like Alora or any other big RSPS and the difference is huge. On other servers everything is spread out across the whole of runescape.

    • You need to start filling up the cities like Varrock/Falador/Camelot/Canafis/Gnome Stronghold etc with NPCs so they don't just feel like a ghost town. Once these places are filled up you can start spreading out Quest/Minigame NPC's rather than having them all just stood around in edgeville.

      Since this is something that will take you a long time to do alone you should temporarily add a ::coords command in game that everybody can use, provide players with an NPC list and give them a format to put the data into. I'm sure some people here would willingly help map out these towns/cities with the NPC's that are there on OSRS.

    • Move Nieve to south of edge bank (near the wild lever). She should walk around and not just stand still.
    • Add Krystilia in the jail north east of edgeville. She'll give wilderness tasks (remove wild tasks from Nieve). She should walk around and not just stand still.
    • Add Duradel to south of edge bank (near the wild lever/nieve). He should give boss tasks (remove boss tasks from nieve). He should walk around and not just stand still.
    • Remove Mage of Zamorak from inside edgeville bank.
    • Move the walking mage of Zamorak to inbetween the general store/rejuv pool house, just south of the wild entrance.

    Teleport NPC

    Has a few too many unneeded teleport options & the layout is shit (look at you skilling teleports). For now some stuff should be removed from teleports, however I think you should slowly work on spreading out these dungeons by placing cave entrances/ladders etc around the map rather than just relying on a teleport wizard for everything.

    • Remove All the Wilderness teleports from the Wizard and put them onto the Mage of Zamorak.

    • Add new Teleport option "Low Level PvM Locations". Would contain rock crabs/sand crab (and Yaks/Experiments whenever they're added)

    • Make Ancient Cavern teleport take you outside where the Pyre ships are (since pyre ship teleport is gone). Need to make the whirlpool teleport you into the cavern as well.
    • Move Kalphite Hive to Slayer Locations
    • Remove Nail Beasts/Lletya (Lletya is on town/city teleports).
    • Remove Fossil Island Derranged Archaeologists (who even does these lmao)

    • Add new Teleport menu Called Towns/Cities: Lumbridge/Varrock/Ardougne/Falador/Camelot/Edgeville/Al Kharid/Yanille/Draynor Village/Neitiznot/Jatizo/Relleka/Gnome Stronghold/Canafis/Lletya/Shilo Village/Brimhaven/Ape Atol
    Last edited by blazed you; 07-07-2018 at 12:05 PM.

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    ∏ ∐ ∑ ╱╲╳¯
    Sep 2016

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    Senior Member
    Sep 2016
    I think he should condense shops together for gear, have one person selling all of the various gear items (rune, runes, robed, bolts, etc) into one NPC but still have separate instances for the shops, just accessible through different dialog options.

    I think there are too many NPCs at the home area in general. Too many quest NPCs, too many shop NPCs.

    Agree with the tabs changes. Don't really see the point filling up other cities because the current goal is to make it seem like the game is not empty.

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Terror View Post
    I think he should condense shops together for gear, have one person selling all of the various gear items (rune, runes, robed, bolts, etc) into one NPC but still have separate instances for the shops, just accessible through different dialog options.

    I think there are too many NPCs at the home area in general. Too many quest NPCs, too many shop NPCs.
    I agree with that, or maybe could move some of the shops such as the fishing/wcing/mining shops into their respective guilds to clear up some space. Either way there are too many NPC's around edgevile

    Quote Originally Posted by Terror View Post
    Agree with the tabs changes. Don't really see the point filling up other cities because the current goal is to make it seem like the game is not empty
    Eh was more of a long term suggestion where he'd eventually gets to the point he could move the Quest NPC's into cities rather than just sat in edgeville, then expand on that and start introducing proper quests which require you to travel across the game doing other things than just killing a boss. I know this could be done now but that's why I made the point about the ghost town, if you were doing quests and there was only 1 NPC in an entire city I think it would just ruin it.

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    Super Donator
    Dec 2016
    this is good idea! love it hopefully he takes inspiration from this.

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Skilling items being condensed into one shop makes sense. Most of the skilling shops only have a few items, and some of the items are even repeated across multiple shops due to having use in more than one skill.

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    Senior Member
    Sep 2016
    Bringing back the attention to the quest tab updates as it's still lacking.

    1. Need to add quest completions/progress.
    2. Instance line in the quest tab needs to be tabbed over as it's currently not inline with the rest of the lines.
    3. PvM related material needs to go to its own tab. It needs the addition of boss points and slayer points. I understand you can click on the slayer task to bring this information but it's kinda not so obvious. Maybe if you change or add a line item that says "All Slayer Information" that when clicked upon shows all this information instead. It's currently not very intuitive.
    4. PvM tab should also have the total current drop rate bonus based on all applied bonuses. IE: if all bonuses are present, there should be a line that says "Drop Rate Bonus: 1.25" Clicking on it should say what is currently in effect or isn't. Ie if missing RoW in inventory, it should say "Ring of Wealth (i): false."
    5. Under "View Guide", "Bond and Gold Membership" should show the benefits instead of opening the bond menu.
    6. Clue Scrolls should remain on the first tab, you can add crystal keys here as well.
    7. Kills and Loot should be moved to the PvM tab as well.
    8. Pressing "Clue Scrolls" doesn't show the correct information in the dialog box, it just says zero for all clues (but it's correct in the chatbox) and then also gives the option for announcing KDR which should just be tied to PK Elo Rating.

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