1. Why there is no pkers? - Explanation  - 06-30-2018 #1

    Jan 2017
    Been off for months due to idiotic administration of this server and now noticed on forums that Pali & Alex are finally "worried" about state of PvP activity on this server. Well, what the fk you think will happen when you've been doing your best to remove all deep wilderness activity from this server so far?

    Allow me to explain why no pkers come here, there's no just one reason to this.

    1. Toxicity towards the pkers
      99.99% of the players are hauled pvmers/skillers who do not understand pvp part of this game at all. Biggest problem off this is that there is some staff members that are exactly the same and as example Alex (Administrator btw.) shows example of how to be toxic against the pkers.
    2. Server updates
      I haven't been playing the server at all for the past +2 months, but after doing one visit to the wilderness it shows how much damage have been done, even in time I've been gone. Doors from the KBD gate has been removed and you can now teleport right inside of the cage. This makes it supereasy for pvmers & opponent pkers to escape.
    3. Youtube
      I find it cute that you now are worried about your social media appearance as theres no more no one to make the videos for you. I made some for 0 respect and decided to remove them all from public as one of your administrators decided to ban me for having an argument that was ironically about PvP. That really showed how much grateful head off the staff team is here.
      On other server I got rewarded right-off from making short video, giving them some visibility.

    Will continue this list if the thread won't get removed, like they always do.

  2. Offline
    Oct 2017
    Toxicity towards pkers is laughable. I can't even..

    You guys need to suggest ways to make the wild enjoyable for you to Pali.

    Yeah I get it.. Alex banned you ages ago.

  3. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Frank View Post
    Toxicity towards pkers is laughable. I can't even..

    You guys need to suggest ways to make the wild enjoyable for you to Pali.

    Yeah I get it.. Alex banned you ages ago.
    Yeah, its totally acceptable for powerhungry administrator to give out perm ban for his own issues and get away with it without apologies or anything. Imagine if I want to contribute your corrupt community after that lmfao
    Last edited by Banned 42; 06-30-2018 at 09:13 AM.

  4. Offline
    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Focus on the issues and talk about them. Get your bitter past out of the thread, it makes you look like you just want to complain and not address the issues at hand.

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    Senior Member
    Sep 2016
    you 2 have the longest running beef I have ever seen

  6. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    Focus on the issues and talk about them. Get your bitter past out of the thread, it makes you look like you just want to complain and not address the issues at hand.
    I'm talking about current issues and what they have consisted off. Whether you want to see it as complaining or criticism is up to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Terror View Post
    you 2 have the longest running beef I have ever seen
    You want to have your say is it reasonable or not? How you are running the community is very corrupted if administrators can act the way they want and get away without explaining anything. How do you think that there will be players to contribute if this is how you act?

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeik View Post
    I'm talking about current issues and what they have consisted off. Whether you want to see it as complaining or criticism is up to you.
    You took a dig at Alex in the original post and then again when replying to Frank. Shut up, make your points and move on.

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    Junior Member
    Nov 2016
    You actin like you are the pvp community bro, niggaz like you want wat u want and bitch about things that affect u in life, no one gives a shit bout your disabilities

    Frank fuk off with deletin posts this kid stats u staff delete and close threads like gang bangs

  9. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    You took a dig at Alex in the original post and then again when replying to Frank. Shut up, make your points and move on.
    You're basically relying your whining on one fact I mentioned in the OT, while I mentioned bunch of others. Obviously I replied to Frank as he mentioned about it.

    Maybe you need to shut up.

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    Junior Member
    Nov 2016
    dont talk to my nigga london like that bitch ass

    He may have banned me 100 times and infracted me over a thousand times, u think i care??? No i come back and play on alts and they dont care

    U actin like u a target for snitchin punk ass nigga

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