1. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Tfw of all people Fila can get an infernal cape and afford 7 of them.

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Every vote counts as 2 tickets and 1 PK box.
    One site you cant use your phone to vote with. Might get more ppl to vote from their phone even when not playing atm if those 3 sites you can vote from got more. Like if you vote on all three of those you get an extra vote ticket or something. I used to have an alarm set to vote so even if away from comp I could get tickets but havent been doing that lately because phone voting is kinda a pia. Make it worthwhile to vote from a phone

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    Junior Member
    Jun 2018
    The ticket purchase should be for a waiver / skip unlock in inferno to let you start at 3 jads wave. That way it'll be really easy to kill inferno and it'll still be somewhat of an accomplishment.

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    Junior Member
    May 2017
    I would also suggest that you can only use capes earned from completing the Inferno and not those bought from the vote ticket shop to gamble for the pets. So that at least there might still be some form of accomplishment for completing the Inferno rather than having players who can afford to spend lots of money on vote tickets actually being able to 'buy' the pets through vote tickets and devaluing the Inferno completely.

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