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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    I disagree with a reset entirely. And you know it's not about bank/levels because I don't play anymore (looking to come back though). I would grind through it again if I truly had to (if anything it would make me want to come back to pursue a max cape again). But it won't be good for the server at all.

    However, I was strictly talking about how he has experience in the pk scene and therefore should at least know what he's talking about because he was active when the server was thriving. At least consider points on how to rebuild the server or direct or more towards pkers.
    The we are in agreement. I, too, acknowledge and respect his contributions with the proposed changes but that's as far as it goes.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Frank View Post
    It's not like it just became fashionable to hoard items.. People don't engage in trade because terrible economy. No one's gonna sit selling 500k whips for a month to be able to afford a bond.
    Supply and demand dictate the prices. It's an RSPS, no one camps for whips unless it's a slayer task. Even if we did reset, we would be in the same position within a few months.

  3. Offline
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by sharingan View Post
    Supply and demand dictate the prices. It's an RSPS, no one camps for whips unless it's a slayer task. Even if we did reset, we would be in the same position within a few months.
    Too much supply, not enough demand makes for a bad economy, I agree. The point in a potential reset is to limit supply from the start.. with better planning.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Frank View Post
    Too much supply, not enough demand makes for a bad economy, I agree. The point in a potential reset is to limit supply from the start.. with better planning.
    That may work but is still too big of a risk to take, considering that we currently have a decent player-base and there is next to no guaranetee the the reset will work and people will stay. You just have to look at other servers which have tried the same thing in the past. Most people login after a reset for inital hype and after a few days are too lazy to grind and the server goes down to 10 players.

  5. Offline
    Jun 2017
    jsut reset it yolo

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    Junior Member
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    I didn't say agree, I said listen. It appeared as though you just wanted to reply instantly with some ignorant BS as though you hadn't even read what he had to say. His join date doesn't matter.
    it doesnt matter but hes still a random mopar player and has no pull lol

  7. Offline
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    With your first point, slayer items like whips have always intentionally been this way for normal mode. You're missing the bigger picture in the sense that the whip drop rate is a fraction of what it was on past BS servers that thrived while pulling in hundreds of players. Having items like whips rare generally does not work on an RSPS. If you don't believe me, just look at all the top servers above us and below us excluding just one (Alora). The same could likely be said about barrows items too.

    This one I can somewhat agree with. GWD drop rates started out a bit higher than I ultimately settled on. I don't believe this is a good enough reason to reset the entire server, though.

    People will always hoard and there isn't a lot I can do about it. The people hoarding there bank have also played long enough to have established a good enough bank to not need to sell every single item they don't specifically use.

    On to your next point about 15b banks PKing in 100k gear, a reset won't change this. Someone scared to risk isn't going to be less scared to risk because they no longer have items. If anything, that player will no longer ever step foot in the wilderness because they'll be too busy rebuilding in safety outside of the wilderness.
    A reset would give value to all items and would bring people back to the game to get this nostalgic feeling again. It's not about a reset changing behaviour of our current players, It's about getting new people. Tell me right now If you want, how much is Sharingans bank, how much would every player have when you split his bank to every player ingame.

  8. Offline
    Jun 2018
    With some economy changes and giving certain items a good value, a reset and some publicity would bring this game out of it's 'almost grave' since we barely get any new players. Tons of people still play economy games, and prefer it over spawn.

    The current market on battlescape is THRASH, people have max cash stacks in their banks stacked up like it's rune equipment sets. There's not a single way to fix this, except for just deleting all GWD items and recuding ingame gold by 85% manually.

    The only way to get a decent economy going, is with some small adjustments on item income/slayer and some good money sinks. You make SO much money AFKing NPC's with a ROW on.. while every potion in the shop is basicly free. Doesn't make any sense.

    Btw, don't come up with the idea of giving potions prices now..

    What I suggest is, reset the game in like 4 weeks and announce the return of a fresh economy, let me and others advertise it.
    Then with some small adjustments this game could be top notch.

  9. Offline
    Mar 2018
    Does anyone actually Enjoy current normal mode? Lmao

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Reptile761 View Post
    A reset would give value to all items and would bring people back to the game to get this nostalgic feeling again. It's not about a reset changing behaviour of our current players, It's about getting new people. Tell me right now If you want, how much is Sharingans bank, how much would every player have when you split his bank to every player ingame.
    Stakers have and always will have insane banks (arguably economy breaking if they were to drop it all at once). This has been true for 10 years.

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