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    Jun 2017
    all i want is blackjack

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by blazed you View Post
    I think the biggest problem is that Palidino still believes his target demographic should be pkers. Just take a look at the toplist of any voting site the majority of these servers are skilling/pvm servers. You have great PVM here, probably the best of any RSPS, so you should be trying to get players to join around your great PVM content rather than pking. You shouldn't just shunt out pkers altogether but by no means should they remain your priority when trying to gain players.

    Regular mode should have a full item reset (except for untradeables & pets. Rings dont count as untradeables), Combat levels reset, slayer skill reset. Other skills should remain untouched on players accounts.

    • Reduce coin drop amount on regular mode so it's the same as iron/hardmode. This is so that prices on items such as bonds which are used amongst all modes remain buyable for all game modes.
    • Reduce well cost to 7.5m to activate (this would be 4x less since regular mode is currently 4x more coins than ironman).
    • Reduce item trade guide prices by 4x
    • Make wild barrows slayer only again
    • Remove the barrows armor from the shops
    • Change sinister key rate for barrows item to 35%
    • Change Regular barrows to 75% chance for 1 item, 25% chance for 2 items, 5% chance for 3 items
    • Change regular loots from barrows from 5k runes/bolt racks at a time to 100-200 runes at a time
    • Reduce the amount of runes gained from Raids from 6k to 500-1.5k
    • Change DWH droprate for regular mode from 1/2500 to 1/750.
    • Change Sigil droprates for regular mode to 1/250 for Arcane/Spectral & 1/750 for elysian
    • Changed the shared drop system so that only 1 player per game mode gets any loot from the boss.
    • Remove all the regular drops & statuettes from revenents. The only items on their drop table should be the PVP items.
    • Change shark store price to 400 coins each.
    • Change dark crab store price to 900 coins each.
    • Remove Combat level setting
    • Change Regular mode combat exp to 125x
    • Make it so GE lists the lowest selling price rather than the average.
    • Add an item searching feature for player owned shops
    • Add a Seperate NPC for player owned shops (new players don't even realise POS exist)
    • Make item prices at pest control 3x less than they currently are. It takes too long to grind items at pest control, ts a horrible experience.
    • Put Void Set in vote shop for 40 tickets
    • Put Fire Cape in vote shop for 15 tickets

    You also need to add things which make coins useful

    • Remove item imbuing from the vote shop and instead place it in another shop which requires imbuing via coins
    • Add trident/trident of swamp charging with runes
    • Add barrows degrading

    Also need measures to prevent the main game mode economy being fucked up by the other game modes.

    • Ironman/HCIM/Hard Mode shouldn't be able to trade with regular mode for the first 2 months (except bonds).
    • Regular mode shouldn't be able to pickup items dropped by Ironman/HCIM/Hard Mode for the first 2 months.
    • Regular mode shouldn't be able to pickup/attack other modes in the wilderness for the first 2 months.

    Palidino would be stupid to do another reset when he knows what the outcome would be.

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by sharingan View Post
    Palidino would be stupid to do another reset when he knows what the outcome would be.
    This game won't grow until he resets the main game mode.

    No surprise you're not in favour of a reset, afterall you have a 30b bank & hold the eco mr staker
    Last edited by blazed you; 06-28-2018 at 01:37 PM.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by blazed you View Post
    This game won't grow until he resets the main game mode.
    The game will die when he resets the main game mode.*

  5. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by sharingan View Post
    The game will die when he resets the main game mode.*
    No it won't. The majority of those saying they'll quit won't because of additction & more people will come back because the game will be getting a fresh start.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by blazed you View Post
    No it won't. The majority of those saying they'll quit won't because of additction & more people will come back because the game will be getting a fresh start.
    This server has been reset several times and has resulted in the same outcome: loss of players. There are probably only about 5-6 players on this game who even want a reset, most of them who have been cleaned at the duel arena. Nowadays, "when people come back", they usually check out the server for a few days and then quit as seen by many servers who spend lots of $$$ advertising, gain 100s of players on release and then die out to a 10 player-base within a week. RSPS' in general are dying and it would seem stupid to take such a risk, taking into account past experiences and the low chance growth- pretty much all that will happen is a fresh economy for 10 players (because everyone else can't be bothered grinding out the game when they know that the server will be reset again). Having said all this, BattleScape has a good economy relative to the length of time the server has been up. People only really complain about "too many items being ingame" which is inevitable if the economy is 2 years old and then these same people say "i can't buy anything cuz no1 sells"- which one is it? What is so wrong with the economy that it MUST be reset?
    Last edited by sharingan; 06-28-2018 at 11:20 AM.

  7. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by sharingan View Post
    This server has been reset several times and has resulted in the same outcome: loss of players. There are probably only about 5-6 players on this game who even want a reset, most of them who have been cleaned at the duel arena. Nowadays, "when people come back", they usually check out the server for a few days and then quit as seen by many servers who spend lots of $$$ advertising, gain 100s of players on release and then die out to a 10 player-base within a week. RSPS' in general are dying and it would seem stupid to take such a risk, taking into account past experiences and the low chance growth- pretty much all that will happen is a fresh economy for 10 players (because everyone else can't be bothered grinding out the game when they know that the server will be reset again). Having said all this, BattleScape has a good economy relative to the length of time the server has been up. People only really complain about "too many items being ingame" which is inevitable if the economy is 2 years old and then these same people say "i can't buy anything cuz no1 sells"- which one is it? What is so wrong with the economy that it MUST be reset?
    Historically the majority of Battlescapes resets have resulted in growth of the game not loss of players. The only time he really took a hit with players on a reset/change was with the 742, but release 742 was basically EOC & not the type of game players wanted so its no surprise players quit. He released the current server very early into development when it had 0 content added. Players came here, tried the game and left because there wasnt anything to do. Even around the stage we had about 200-300 online there was very little to do outside of slayer and pking, so players quit after a few weeks because the game got boring very quickly.

    The majority of remaining players are "veterans" with established accounts. It is very difficult for new players to startup on the main game mode because nobody is willing to trade items, no amount of updates is going to solve this problem. The economy has received too many drastic changes over the past 2 years and it has completely killed the main game mode.

    Palidino's best oppertunity to popularise this game would be a "re-release" of the main game mode.
    Last edited by blazed you; 06-28-2018 at 11:59 AM.

  8. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by blazed you View Post
    Historically the majority of Battlescapes resets have resulted in growth of the game not loss of players. The only time he really took a hit with players on a reset/change was with the 742 , but release 742 was basically EOC & not the type of game players wanted so it's no surprise players quit. With the current server he released it extremely early into development when it had 0 content added. Players came here, tried it and left because there wasn't a lot to do. Even around the stage we had about 200-300 online there was very little to do outside of slayer and pking, so players quit after a few weeks because it got boring very fast.

    The majority of remaining players are "veterans" with established accounts. It is very difficult for new players to join the game because nobody is willing to trade items, therefore the main game mode ends up like a variant of iron man mode. No amount of updates is going to solve this problem. The economy has received too many drastic changes over the past 2 years and it has completely killed the main game mode.

    Palidino's best oppertunity to popularise this game would be a "re-release" of the main game mode.
    Can we first establish what is wrong with the current economy? You mention that "nobody is willing to trade items" but this signals that there are not enough items in-game? So what would be the point of a reset? And the same thing would happen if the server reset because there would be nothing to trade?

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by sharingan View Post
    Can we first establish what is wrong with the current economy? You mention that "nobody is willing to trade items" but this signals that there are not enough items in-game? And the same thing would happen if the server reset because there would be nothing to trade?
    I already established that, the majority of players have established accounts therefore have no need to trade amongst eachother.

  10. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by blazed you View Post
    I already established that, the majority of players already have established banks and accounts therefore have no need to trade amongst eachother.
    The same thing would happen within a few months of the new server. Do we reset again?

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