Originally Posted by
Well yeah, but then ya'll should disable ironmans trading over items because that'll be total bullshit aswell with, people will QUIT battle-scape if ya'll do a reset and then we have less then 30 players isn't that something we avoid ? maybe remove 60% of the cash ingame and give it in return of goldmembership, after reducing the amount of cash ingame more people will be happy that they get gold membership for it in return aswell with removing the cash it should be done while the ''coin'' reset update is in acces, because some people wont agree with what battle-scape is trying to do as for YET again another eco reset for battle-scape and i dont think we want the same thing to happen to us what happend to os-scape,elkoy,... that they lost alot of their players due resets etc.. Long live battlescape thats the only thing i'd love to say alex, please take it under reconsideration that it might let the server DIE out..