1. Bank All option with Shift & more [QoL]  - 06-21-2018 #1

    Senior Member
    May 2017
    Hello people,

    I would like to introduce a new banking feature. it goes as followed:

    When having the Shift pressed down the options for banking each certain item switch to a left click "Bank all" option. This makes it easier to bank stackables of single items such as when you are banking from a boss trip and your loots look like 1M coins, 500 grapes, 50 limpwurt roots, 500 pure essence. This makes them all shift left click bank-able when clicked on them in the bank interface.

    Bank pin:

    After once entered bank pin from your own ip adress there should be a 5 minute timer running whereas you dont have to re-enter you bank pin ONLY once you have logged out. When the 5 minute timer exceeds after you havent logged back in, your bank account should be locked with your pin once again as usual. This is useful for entering your bank quickly again after relogging. Osrs has this feature, so why cant we have it.

    Hopefully we'll see this awesome feature ingame soon!
    Last edited by Mate; 06-21-2018 at 06:27 AM.

  2. Offline
    Super Donator
    Dec 2016
    hope this gets added :O!

  3. Offline
    Junior Member
    May 2017
    Definitely support, however I could see this as a security issue

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