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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    A G.E system where the G.E. buys certain skilling resources at certain prices. E.g. Dynamite sold at 80 coins. Would make Raids and other bosses a decent money maker instead of just relying on rare and unique drops. Also, if you want to sell the dynamite at a higher price e.g 90 coins you can only sell to a player as the G.E will have a fixed price. This is mainly for instant sell and ONLY skilling resources work like this.

    OR adjust the sell prices of the items to the shop.
    Last edited by sharingan; 06-16-2018 at 04:01 PM.

  2. Offline
    Junior Member
    May 2017
    Definitely agree, seen this in a server before came quite handy and some quick cash from stuff that would never sell to players.

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