What I've noticed playing Battlescape for the last year.

After playing this game I realised something that I would want to share with you guys. There's legit not a single game that has such a worked out way of playing a game like Battlescape currently has. For once Palidino has managed to complete out one of his versions of Battlescape. From almost all skills working, to multiple ways to train your skills, to new minigames and very up to date content he likes to code. I'm really surprised, good job on that Palidino!

What I've also noticed playing this version of Battlescape.

When this game got released, it got released as a PVP based game where you didn't really need to work hard to obtain any sort of item. When the game made more progress we all decided it was a better idea to move to a more Economy based server. Since not a lot of people have agreed on resetting the game when doing so, this has had it consequences. All the items that were obtained before(being very easy to obtain) still move around in the economy.

With this being said.. I have the oppinion that there's to many items in this economy for the amount of players we currently have. People do have bills and bills stacked in their banks, and other people hoard items without a reason. For new players who join, It's not very fun to make a 5-10m avarage money per hour doing slayer (whats supposed to be best moneymaker in game) and seeing all these people have amounts they will never have.

What am I trying to say here?

A lot of games are dying out, and we'll never make it back to the golden days where we pulled 2.000 players on weekends, but we could make the best of it. Os-Scape and others are dying out quick because of lack of content, and not a real challenge to play the game. Then other games gain more players, when those games barely have any good content. Battlescape is the best game out there, and I think we're all being very ignorant.

I think this game should NOT be reset, but a second Battlescape server should come online (Like a World 2). This game would be almost exactly the same as this one, but more attractive for people who want to do PVP. A fresh start, good barrows minigame rates and decent speed of slayer training would get people to get a good setup within the first few hours of playing the game.
The content you have now, could insure people would stay for a longer period on a PVP based game, since people need things 'to do' to keep playing.

Myself and others could already start advertising this game-mode (It could be posted on multiple youtube channels throughout the single community) All Pkers know Battlescape, and a lot of us still think about how fun it was to play this back in the day.

I think we can still peak 300-400 daily, when you play the game correctly, and listen to what I have to say.

I hope to get in touch with @Palidino to maybe discuss some terms.

Thanks for reading!

The people I'm speaking about are the ones who insured a solid 550-600 people on release when Zonica released.