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    Super Donator
    Oct 2016
    I don't think they should be a rule where we are not allowed to speak any language it really looks racist I just got muted for 2 hours from Frank today for speaking Spanish to another player... he was speaking with me we both got muted it really looks dumb cause we are not offending no one at the game if you get offended if you don't understand maybe you should just put me in the ignore list like I do when people are really annoying in the cc

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    You have over 60 posts on the forum so you must be familiar with how it works around here. You joined Oct 2016 and the rules haven't changed regarding language for the whole time you've had your account.

    There are specific reasons as to why the rule is in place and many are justifiable.

    Seeing as it was Frank who muted you I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that he warned you and you decided to ignore the warning because you're so prideful in speaking Spanish so your ego is way over your head and you continued.

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    Super Donator
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    You have over 60 posts on the forum so you must be familiar with how it works around here. You joined Oct 2016 and the rules haven't changed regarding language for the whole time you've had your account.

    There are specific reasons as to why the rule is in place and many are justifiable.

    Seeing as it was Frank who muted you I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that he warned you and you decided to ignore the warning because you're so prideful in speaking Spanish so your ego is way over your head and you continued.
    really don't think it matter its really offensive and racist that rule just be lifted what the reason only speaking 1 language yes I ignore him cause its very ignorant and only little kids only do that and I believe he's not a child ...I wont mine if anyone else is here talking any other language the community get bigger I still don't kno wut the reason of that rule makes no sence

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by xcapoh View Post
    really don't think it matter its really offensive and racist that rule just be lifted what the reason only speaking 1 language yes I ignore him cause its very ignorant and only little kids only do that and I believe he's not a child ...I wont mine if anyone else is here talking any other language the community get bigger I still don't kno wut the reason of that rule makes no sence
    Please explain how it is racist for an English speaking staff team to want people to communicate in English

    I call that reasonable

  5. Offline
    Super Donator
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    Please explain how it is racist for an English speaking staff team to want people to communicate in English

    I call that reasonable
    I Feel you reasonable for you cause that you language for me its not I know both languages and I don't see why they is a rule that you have to take you Spanish to private when its an open world but no more talking its w.e

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    Oct 2017

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