1. Offline
    Junior Member
    Oct 2017
    I've voted 600+ times and more on multiple accounts one website that is the worst for voting on is RuneLocus,

    The capcha loading gets stuck, once it loads it will crash. I and other players have to constantly refresh the voting page to get it to work... I've been trying to vote now for 3 weeks and am unable to vote on that website for whatever reason, normally If I keep refreshing the website I can get it to load finally,

    Now it's stopped working all together.

    Why does that one website make the difference to if I get my boosts or not? You only have to vote on the first 4 to get the in-game boosts could you not make it so if you get X amount of tickets you get the boosts also? That websites voting/capcha system is broken. Makes me not want to play not being able to get XP boosts and drop rate boosts. You can vote on every single page (including the ones that don't give you anything).

    Really demotivates me to play/vote if I can't get the boosts because of one website

    This would help any players with problems due to website issues if you set the limit on boosts as claim 6 reward tokens. Just my 2 cents

  2. Offline
    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    I can honestly say RuneLocus has only ever been a problem for me when it doesn't give you the rewards after voting, somehow doesn't register from our end. But the capcha not loading is nothing to do with BS.

    Are you really that demotivated to not play without such a little increase? Have you genuinely calculated how small of an increase it is? Stop being pedantic

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