1. Over 125 New Mystery Box Rewards Post!!  - 04-08-2018 #1

    Extreme Donator
    Aug 2017
    Ok, So I'm not sure where to post this honestly, But I just want to show you possible rewards real time of a mystery box. As you may know the to obtain a mystery box you have to either buy a bond with In-game money or pay $3 for a bond. I was going for a party hat, But I honestly think after update, party hats need a buff, something more fair. I'm sure it wasn't expect to have someone buy this many, but yeah. Yes I do know had I just sold the bonds, I could have went and purchased a party hat, but nevertheless here are the screen shots of the rewrads.

    (Link is a bigger image, the image uploaded tiny.)
    (click link here --> http://prntscr.com/j2fbur )

    Let me know what you think! Only allowed me 1 photo upload, so I had to crack open my mediocre photoshop skills and edit 1 photo.
    Last edited by White Glint; 04-08-2018 at 04:42 AM.

  2. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Partyhats are worth 6-15b. You can't just to invest a few billion in bonds and expect to multiply that return by 2,3,4x by obtaining party hats.

    You made approximately 6-7b and your complaining.
    Last edited by sharingan; 04-08-2018 at 06:47 AM.

  3. Offline
    Extreme Donator
    Aug 2017
    Yeah so I didnt invest a few bill, that and also sure I made 6-7b now, if that. probably best case scenario but what will it be worth in a week, or a month? All I'm saying, that much money, that many bonds, you'd think it'd yield at least 1 rare. That and everyone can see the drop table from 130 or so bonds, which is helpful.

    picture evidence, http://prntscr.com/j2j44y

  4. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by White Glint View Post
    Yeah so I didnt invest a few bill, that and also sure I made 6-7b now, if that. probably best case scenario but what will it be worth in a week, or a month? All I'm saying, that much money, that many bonds, you'd think it'd yield at least 1 rare. That and everyone can see the drop table from 130 or so bonds, which is helpful.

    picture evidence, http://prntscr.com/j2j44y
    So what are you complaining about? It's supposed to be a gamble. You spent real life money which would yield you about 6b gold ingame and got the same return by opneing boxes? Partyhats are supposed to be extremely rare- I know you have spent alot of irl $$$ but you got pretty much what you would have got had you sold the bonds but instead from the boxes. Bottom line is, your input was about 6b and you got about 6-7b (and you're complaining that it wasn't 10b+ because no phat). It's a gamble, sometimes it pays off and sometimes it does not. You're actually quite lucky that you made your money back tbh.
    Last edited by sharingan; 04-08-2018 at 12:13 PM.

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