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Need things like high skill items noted as drops like Uncut Diamonds/Rubies/Dragonstones, Runite/Dragon Bolt Tips, Magic/Redwood Logs, etc. Not too high end items, there are too many ways high level gear/weapons come into the game already. We do not need more items that drop more Cash or items that alch for a high price, there is way too much cash in-game.
Saw a project thread on Rune-Server, they are using the Dragon Slayer 2 Boss as a hard deep wildy Boss, can probably make something out of that. (Or replacement of Chaos Elemental Boss and put Chaos Ele back to it's original mode.
The issue with anything $$$$ related, will cause chaos and Palidino can get screwed. Someone putting in money into it, then losing, they will chargeback. This isn't Jagex where they pay for Lawyers to fight any legal action. This is the main reason Servers do not do this. The donations they make will end up with them paying off fees if a claim is put into place.