1. Lots of suggestions Mostly pking related  - 04-04-2018 #1

    Mar 2018
    Suggestion 1 I've thought over the past 2weeks i've been here pking is not so active even @ edge. i've got a idea that could help bring players to the server Pking wise. I've notice after my time being here if people go deep pking it's mostly mystics etc vote gear it's not there fault they may not be good @ nhing etc so they don't want to risk very understandable so i've thought of a way to counter act it. The idea I've got was from another server and it's a very good one
    Each time you get a kill you get a chance to receive a key etc Bronze/Silver/Gold/Diamond/plat if this is implemented you can sort out the rates/what you can receive from each key.The chest will be in wildy say for example the chaos alter to cash in the key you must be in the wildy. I feel this would bring pkers to the server because from what i've heard from everyone is that it's a PVM server n it's such a shame because this could be a really good server *Mixed up* content etc pking/pvming. This could attract the past players who believe this is a PVM server. Please note i saw this on another server but i've just tweaked it around a little

    Suggestion 2 I've seen alot of drops in the time on the server and feel it's to easy to get the main items etc Corp/Zulrah and there is litterly no risk to it
    and im aware of the new update if you die @zulrah etc you lose items. I think it would be alot more challenging and more of a accomplishment if there was a risk to it
    and i know some of you will say 'You pkers just want to kill pvmers that can't fight back' Wrong. People will be prepared for a fight knowing the teleport will be in the wild etc like a DMM thing. i've found a nice teleport spots. shown below
    https://gyazo.com/194b7b36d149bc862cbff5a21cb978b0 < Corp tele. What you could do here is make the zombie's aggressive to help pvmers e.g and just remove a couple of zombies so it's not to bad to solo/trio pking. Showing the zulrah teleport below.
    https://gyazo.com/87341af57b3c77359238dcfc05e5d425 This is the entrance to the wildy godwars thing but there is nothing there this would take some time or you could just set the cordi's to zulrah once you click the cave you tele to zulrah. for example this will stop so many bps/serps/magicfangs etc entering the game.
    This is all under 30 wildy so pvmers could teleaway also!

    Thank you for taking a look and looking forward to feedback.

  2. Offline
    Oct 2016
    I like the first suggestion, but the second just wont work.
    All updates which are targeted to increase pk activity by somehow screwing over pvmers/skillers have failed.
    People who go to zulrah/corp just wont be able to fight back considering the setup needed for them, not even to mention teams which always take over things like these.
    Wildy godwards is working.

  3. Offline
    ∏ ∐ ∑ ╱╲╳¯
    Sep 2016
    The first one sounds good

  4. Offline
    Super Donator
    Dec 2016
    really like the first suggestion you use the key on a chest for some extra loot. kindof like in deadman mode in runescape

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    The key idea is interesting, but definitely needs more to it. For example, what kind of loot?

  6. Offline
    Mar 2018
    I wouldn't let us suggest loot because we would just say some crazy **** I'd suggest you have a little speak with your staff to think of a fair reward but ima throwing something out there so you can get a general idea
    Bronze key=Any single barrow's piece/random clue scroll/dragon boots/5k blood money
    Silver key=random mage arena piece/higher chance to get hard cluescroll/crystal key
    gold key=High chance to get elite clue/whip/tent/staff of dead/malediction+green one/random barrows pack
    Plat key=Bandos piece/armardyl piece/bond/50k blood money/acb/high chance to get master clue/
    Diamond key=Elder maul/ances/claws/tostd/prayer scroll/100kbm/instant master clue/250 dragon bolts unf thats just the top of my head. Thanks for taking a look

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    Senior Member
    Sep 2016
    The type of key should be determined by the kill streak of the person you killed for it, 1-3 bronze, 4-7 silver, 8-15 gold, 15+ diamond, that way the rarer items from rare keys will stay 'rare' and it also adds an incentive to fight people who you know/expect to be better than you.

    With regards to loot, I'd say different tiers of the following; a 1/3 chance of each; veng melee gear, melee/mage hybrid gear, tribrid gear. with the lowest tier being rune tc. and the highest tier including at least one actual maxed item like an ags, sotd or acb etc.

    I can think about the above items if you actually want to add it.
    Last edited by Dan; 04-07-2018 at 04:00 PM.

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    Junior Member
    Feb 2018
    see when rev caves was first released, that was the hotspot for pking and pvming. its still a good money earning place. i pvmed there on my hcim an main for 6 hours made 250m on my main an 120mil on my hcim. there needs to be more wildy bosses that drop good loot. knowing they are entering the wildy you will have to bring decent gear and a chance of getting pked or pk someone else. yes i support that.

    i think if they made one of the iron mans a deadman mode, where you make a new account select deadman mode and everything is wildy besides some safe spots with the ironman mode type, winner of the season gets sum items within game. and if it does really well start a season where its 5$ entry and winner wins like 100$. no server out there right now has this feature, or anything like it. this will drawl alot of attention to battlescape.

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    Sep 2009
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    Quote Originally Posted by callofdoooty View Post
    see when rev caves was first released, that was the hotspot for pking and pvming. its still a good money earning place. i pvmed there on my hcim an main for 6 hours made 250m on my main an 120mil on my hcim. there needs to be more wildy bosses that drop good loot. knowing they are entering the wildy you will have to bring decent gear and a chance of getting pked or pk someone else. yes i support that.

    i think if they made one of the iron mans a deadman mode, where you make a new account select deadman mode and everything is wildy besides some safe spots with the ironman mode type, winner of the season gets sum items within game. and if it does really well start a season where its 5$ entry and winner wins like 100$. no server out there right now has this feature, or anything like it. this will drawl alot of attention to battlescape.
    Need things like high skill items noted as drops like Uncut Diamonds/Rubies/Dragonstones, Runite/Dragon Bolt Tips, Magic/Redwood Logs, etc. Not too high end items, there are too many ways high level gear/weapons come into the game already. We do not need more items that drop more Cash or items that alch for a high price, there is way too much cash in-game.

    Saw a project thread on Rune-Server, they are using the Dragon Slayer 2 Boss as a hard deep wildy Boss, can probably make something out of that. (Or replacement of Chaos Elemental Boss and put Chaos Ele back to it's original mode.

    The issue with anything $$$$ related, will cause chaos and Palidino can get screwed. Someone putting in money into it, then losing, they will chargeback. This isn't Jagex where they pay for Lawyers to fight any legal action. This is the main reason Servers do not do this. The donations they make will end up with them paying off fees if a claim is put into place.
    Last edited by Alex; 04-16-2018 at 04:47 PM.

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    Junior Member
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    Need things like high skill items noted as drops like Uncut Diamonds/Rubies/Dragonstones, Runite/Dragon Bolt Tips, Magic/Redwood Logs, etc. Not too high end items, there are too many ways high level gear/weapons come into the game already. We do not need more items that drop more Cash or items that alch for a high price, there is way too much cash in-game.

    Saw a project thread on Rune-Server, they are using the Dragon Slayer 2 Boss as a hard deep wildy Boss, can probably make something out of that. (Or replacement of Chaos Elemental Boss and put Chaos Ele back to it's original mode.

    The issue with anything $$$$ related, will cause chaos and Palidino can get screwed. Someone putting in money into it, then losing, they will chargeback. This isn't Jagex where they pay for Lawyers to fight any legal action. This is the main reason Servers do not do this. The donations they make will end up with them paying off fees if a claim is put into place.
    if u have nothing smart to say don't say anything at all lol

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