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    Junior Member
    Mar 2018
    Any Battlescape player that has opened a few crystal chests will quickly find that almost all of the cosmetic unique items in the game are basically worthless. Therefore I suggest we give a purpose to those cosmetic items by implementing a fashionscape contest.

    A weekly contest could be held in 2 possible ways, either in game at a set time where participating players are lined up and judged by both the contestants and the spectators. Or on the forums, where participants upload a screenshot of themselves wearing their outfit of choice where it could be voted. The themes of the contest could be as simple as just a color scheme (such as "Blues"), or more specific (such as "Evil Prince"). The themes could be voted on before each week as well.

    This could bring a use to some of the cosmetic items and armors that are in the game and allow for some creativity around them.

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    Junior Member
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by starv View Post
    Any Battlescape player that has opened a few crystal chests will quickly find that almost all of the cosmetic unique items in the game are basically worthless. Therefore I suggest we give a purpose to those cosmetic items by implementing a fashionscape contest.

    A weekly contest could be held in 2 possible ways, either in game at a set time where participating players are lined up and judged by both the contestants and the spectators. Or on the forums, where participants upload a screenshot of themselves wearing their outfit of choice where it could be voted. The themes of the contest could be as simple as just a color scheme (such as "Blues"), or more specific (such as "Evil Prince"). The themes could be voted on before each week as well.

    This could bring a use to some of the cosmetic items and armors that are in the game and allow for some creativity around them.

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    Senior Member
    Jul 2017
    Hey this sounds fun!! I'd love to help out on something like this!

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