1. Bloody Key Wilderness Event - Development Started  - 03-22-2018 #1

    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    So I was suggested some time back to check of another server's wilderness event where a key spawns in the wild and you have to take it out of the wilderness to collect a reward. I have started development on this, but a lot of it is still just concept that hasn't yet been implemented.

    A 5 minute notice will be given informing everyone that a key is going to spawn. This will let anyone who wants to participate a chance to gear up accordingly. Once those 5 minutes are up, its announced that the key has spawned at one of these locations: below the agility course, outside of the Mage Arena bank, or inside the Rogues Castle.

    Whoever is carrying the key will experience the following:
    • A red skull above their head
    • The inability to teleport or use wilderness exits such as levers
    • Can be attacked by any combat level
    • Protect item will not work on the key
    • Possibly considered as in multi-combat (to prevent boxing the key to safety)
    • Their items dropped as a DMM key so that if they're killed, the killer can loot the key and their items quickly

    Once the key makes it outside of the wilderness along with any DMM keys, they can be exchanged at the crystal chest.
    Gaureteed loot: XP lamp that gives XP in either herblore, mining or smithing (XP being the same as the RS3 wilderness warbands and obtaining 25 supplies, but the XP doubled).
    Random loot: possibly similar to the Chaos Elemental drop table

    The event won't occur often, possibly every 4+ hours.

  2. Offline
    Sep 2017

  3. Offline
    Oct 2016
    make it so you can't opt out of target system and get the key it removes risk.

  4. Offline
    Junior Member
    Feb 2018
    My suggestion btw on old acc i belive thanks for adding! gonna be dope

  5. Offline
    Super Donator
    Oct 2016
    I like this idea

  6. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Will the xp lamps be tradeable? Or its contents? Some players already have 200m in these areas or at least 99 and might rather have cash or the option to sell them or trade them. Will iron men be able to participate?

  7. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Make it so the carrier of the key won't lose his killingspree upon death as the event is in multi. The ones with very high spree don't want to participate if they lose their spree.

  8. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Sounds hella complicated, please do proper testing before release. Also work together with actual pkers, they for sure can tell if somethings fucked.

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeik View Post
    Make it so the carrier of the key won't lose his killingspree upon death as the event is in multi. The ones with very high spree don't want to participate if they lose their spree.
    I didn't even think of that but that's definitely a good idea

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