Ancient mace would be a cool MULTI aspect for the game + it's very difficult atm to smite
Would bring multi teams etc to the server. Add it pls.
Ancient mace would be a cool MULTI aspect for the game + it's very difficult atm to smite
Would bring multi teams etc to the server. Add it pls.
To paraphrase what has already been mentioned if players want combat fixed Pali needs details of the exact problem, what needs to happen to make it 'fixed' and how it differs now from osrs and not you specifically since you have already submitted your examples but others reading this as well.
Last edited by FILA; 03-05-2018 at 10:18 PM.
You do realise it takes a lot of time to perfect something? It's mainly trial and error.
ye add them. U need like 25+ to mace some1 anyway.
Also u can mace with bgs's its the new META if u play 07 u know.
"7 is enough if they all do max hit" Do you realise thats basically impossible when you're pking in dhide etc lol. You need like 20+ people with the new DS2 crush cape,mace, d def, dwarf helm and d boots. (and even then theres a very small chance u fail lol)
"If you played 07 you would know." lol. Considering I'm in Rev and we maced 9b in a week I think I'd know
Also heres a gif of the bgs macing 75-0prayer with only 3 ppl (in max gear) but u can do with d'hide with more ppl
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