1. Wilderness Heat Map possibility  - 03-05-2018 #1

    Jun 2017
    Hey all,

    I'm suggesting a heatmap be added to the wilderness for as long as it's still dead. For those who don't know, a heat map is a mad found on the site of the game that gives you a LIVE wilderness map. It shows a red splat resembling a player in areas of the wilderness. For example, If I'm killing Vetion and someone has a heat map, they will see a red splat, meaning they can come kill me. The splats can also be thick or thin. Thick splats means there more than one person at the location and thin meaning one person. This will only show surface areas. It wont show dots in Rev caves, scorpia, wild dungeon, etc.

    I know there will be people who are going to say, "stupid people will know my location so I can't boss in wild??" However, you can use this WHILE your pvming to watch for pkers coming for you. This is a positive for both pkers and pvmers, giving each of them perks rather than being unbalanced, pkers know where to pk, pvmers know when the pker is coming, meaning it becomes strategy to plan how to attack. This can be what the wild needs because people check 2 spots, assume no one, and leave.

    EDIT: IF this is shot down, ATLEAST correct the wilderness from 1-10 in wild to say the ACTUAL number. As in, 5 in wild it doesn't say 1-10, it says 5.

    I personally love this and hope you guys do too. Really interested in what you guys gotta say.
    Last edited by m4g3; 03-05-2018 at 01:46 PM.

  2. Offline
    Jan 2017

    Had some conversation about this earlier. What these pker hater don't understand that if pkers hunt pvmers with this "tool" it would bring pkers against each others as well.

    Currently going through the wilderness spots is just waste of time and frustrates pkers.
    Last edited by Banned 42; 03-05-2018 at 11:54 AM.

  3. Offline
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeik View Post

    Had some conversation about this earlier.
    That's awesome. Read some of the comments by people saying it's only making it easier to hunt pvmers, but pvmers could also use it to scout pkers coming after them.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    There's already a 'teleport to bounty hunter target'.

    No support.

  5. Offline
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by sharingan View Post
    There's already a 'teleport to bounty hunter target'.

    No support.
    How silly of me. Let me just go to edge and opt out of it so I can never be gotten as a target. Lol

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by m4g3 View Post
    How silly of me. Let me just go to edge and opt out of it so I can never be gotten as a target. Lol
    Oh yeah, forgot about that. That's what needs to be removed. This map should be added when there are several pkers so there isn't just 1 or 2 group of pkers constantly killing pvmers.

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    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by sharingan View Post
    Oh yeah, forgot about that. That's what needs to be removed. This map should be added when there are several pkers so there isn't just 1 or 2 group of pkers constantly killing pvmers.
    I can agree with that. I feel like if this implemented more people would be pking because they know for certain there is loot there, and obviously pvmers can scout pkers coming too.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by m4g3 View Post
    I can agree with that. I feel like if this implemented more people would be pking because they know for certain there is loot there, and obviously pvmers can scout pkers coming too.
    The server needs 250+ players for a active wilderness. Right now, i don't think that will happen until Youtube Advertisements are out and until Pali fixes the combat system properly, which will definitely take a while.

  9. Offline
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by sharingan View Post
    The server needs 250+ players for a active wilderness. Right now, i don't think that will happen until Youtube Advertisements are out and until Pali fixes the combat system properly, which will definitely take a while.
    There are new players everyday who login then quit because pvp is dead. Literally yday someone asked if pking active and when told no they logged. I feel this would need to be implemented before advertisements. It would let pkers find pkers, pvmers know when to run, pkers know whose bossing where, and give pvmers incentive to try pking out cause they can try to catch abother person bossing. I can't really SEE any negatives apart from it'd be the same people but occasionally new people will be good, and with advertisements it'll be nice to have beforehand because of the constant ability to find a fight.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by m4g3 View Post
    There are new players everyday who login then quit because pvp is dead. Literally yday someone asked if pking active and when told no they logged. I feel this would need to be implemented before advertisements. It would let pkers find pkers, pvmers know when to run, pkers know whose bossing where, and give pvmers incentive to try pking out cause they can try to catch abother person bossing. I can't really SEE any negatives apart from it'd be the same people but occasionally new people will be good, and with advertisements it'll be nice to have beforehand because of the constant ability to find a fight.
    Just removing opt in and out would be fine IMO. After advertisements go out, then this should be implemented. That's just my opinion though.

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